Page 33 of Kiss From A Rose
"You don't think anything is wrong with our marriage?" I asked, my tone harsher than I wanted it to be.
"No," he said immediately. "Our marriage is fine. You're overreacting, as you always do. Please tell meyoudon't think I'm cheating on you?"
Did I think that? No, I did not. But the truth was that he didn't respect me and our marriage, so why shouldn't he be sleeping with Aimee or any number of other women? And even if he did or did not cheat, it didn't change the state of our marriage.
"I'm not overreacting, Gray. I am, however,finallyreacting." He wouldn't validate my feelings, so I had to do it myself; otherwise, I'd go back to him and be miserable all over again. "I don't want to be married to you anymore."
"How are you going to live your life, Rose? You have no money, no education. So, what the fuck are you going to do?"
I felt my past crumble along with my present. All these years, I waited and sometimes even believed that he saw me as a partner, but he never did. He saw me as someone beneath him, someone who was with him because I had no money and education. I had told Leah I didn't want any money, but a part of me had thought that Gray wouldn't want his ex-wife, the mother of his children, to be destitute—that he'd insist I take some money so I could be comfortable. I should've known.Mama Rutherford had told me that the prenuptial agreement was airtight time and again, and it looked like Gray wanted to abide by it.
When I didn't speak, his tone went soft, cajoling. I was familiar with that, too. Usually, I felt cared for, but now, I felt manipulated. "Rose, come on home, babe. Here is where you belong."
He'd never know the strength it took to walk away because he didn't even believe I had walked away. He thought I was having a snit. After knowing me for so many years, he didn'treallyknow me. I wouldn't have left if it wasn't necessary for my survival.
I decided to give him my truth.
"I'm not happy in our marriage, Gray. I'm not happy with you. I've been so unhappy that I go to bed every night wanting to die and every morning wishin' I had. I'm afraid if I stay with you one of these days, I will make that wish a reality."
"Are you saying that I make you so miserable that you want to commit suicide?" The anger in his voice poured through the phone.
"This isn't aboutyou. It's about howI feel."
"You know what, Rose, I gave you everything. A great house and anything you ever wanted, and this is your thanks? You say that I'm such a fucking terrible husband that you want to kill yourself. So, fine, do whatever the fuck you want to do. I'll sign the damn papers and send them. Keep the car and the five thousand dollars. You fuckin' earned it."
He hung up.
I set my alarm, put my phone to charge on the bedside table, and went to bed.
In the dark, I let the tears fall.
"Aimee," I roared.
It was late, but we were still in the office finishing up a tender that we were on deadline for.
She popped her head in. "Almost done, and I can email it to you for approval in ten minutes."
"My wife called today?"
"Ex-wife, you mean?" She sauntered in with a smile.
I was really starting to fucking hate this woman. "My wifecalled today?"
"Yes." She rolled her eyes.
"She left a message."
Aimee shrugged. "She always does."
"What was the message?" I asked with gritted teeth.
"Always the same. Ask him to call me back."
"Why didn't you tell me?"