Page 21 of Kiss From A Rose
But not lately, not for the past many months since I started sleeping in the guestroom because I was working late hours.
"Lucky you."
"Yeah, Iwaslucky." I sighed. "Damn it, was I that much of an asshole to her?"
"I don't know what it was like when it was just the two of you, but when I was around, yeah. And then there was the time when you got drunk, and we were all talkin' about weddings. You said that you got married because Rose was knocked up."
I remembered that night. We had some people over. Our friends Leah and Ken were there as well. They got divorced a year later. But that night, we were all talking about how all of us got together.
"I met Rose while she worked at a diner close to the university," I slurred. "She was gorgeous, and, of course, I wanted to get into her pants. You know how we were those days?"
"We all know," Bonnie chuckled. "You Rutherford men are hound dogs."
"Until we get married," Holden added, and Bonnie snuggled into him.
They sat on the couch together while Leah and Ken were on opposite sides of the coffee table. Rose was in an armchair next to me so she could go in and out of the kitchen and ensure everyone was taken care of. She had cooked dinner, 'cause she never catered, and that always made me so proud because she was a fucking awesome cook. Even Mama or Bonnie couldn't bitch about her food.
We had eaten and were drinking wine and coffee at the end of the night. I’d had a few glasses and then some.
"Rose was six months pregnant when we got married," I said. "Weren't you, babe?"
"Yes." Rose cast her eyes down.
"She was huge." I stroked her arm. "We got married because of the twins. But who knows what would've happened if it wasn't for them."
Rose looked at me like I’d physically struck her, and I closed my eyes and groaned. "That's not how I meant it, so get that hurt look off your face, damn it. And it was years ago; I think we can let that go, don't you?"
"Of course. Would anyone like any more coffee or wine?"
"Why don't I help you?" Holden went into the kitchen with Rose.
I apologized to Rose the next day, saying I'd had too much to drink. She accepted my apology and made breakfast, and that was that. Now, when I thought about the conversation, I wanted to throw up. I humiliated her in front of our friends and family. No wonder everyone assumed that I wanted to get rid of her; let's face it,sheprobably thought it as well.
"I asked her if she was okay—I was shocked you’d said what you did in front of everyone like that. Any other woman would’ve railed against her husband, I’m sure of it. But Rose, fuckin' grace under fire, just asked me to help take the coffee and petit fours back to the living room and thanked me for checking on her."
"Ididapologize to her for that."
"It was a "but I was drunk"apology, hardly sincere," I admitted.
"Do you resent being married to her because of the twins?"
I shook my head. "I love being married to her."
"Then why have you been treatin' your wife like dirt, Gray?"
I didn't have an answer to that. I didn't think I was. I thought we were fine. No, that's not true. I knew she wasn't happy, but I kept thinking that was because I was working all the time, and as soon as things eased up, I'd get to her. She wasn't going anywhere, but my clients might.
Bonnie came into the den then, sashaying in a too-tight dress that wasn't something I wanted to see a woman her age in. I mean, I didn't give a shit what any woman wore; it was her choice, but Bonnie, for all thetrailer trashcomments she made about Rose, dressed like an expensive tart. Even when she lived in a trailer, Rose hadneverlooked like this. She was always, even in cheap fucking clothes, elegant and graceful. Had I ever told her that?
Today, Bonnie was in a blue sequin number that hugged her curves. I knew she'd had a tummy tuck recently, and it seemed to have worked because she had a flat stomach. Rose had one without surgery because she worked out and took care of herself. Did Rose think she needed to do that because I wouldn't want her otherwise? I had so many questions now.
"Gray, so nice to see you, honey." She gave me air kisses and then sat next to her husband. "How are things?"
"Rose left him," Holden told her.
Bonnie raised both eyebrows and clapped. "Well, hell, we should open champagne."