Page 84 of Hannah and the Hitman
“Why? It’s right over there,” she said, pointing past me into the master bedroom.
“Do you know how it works?”
“Do you know for sure you end up where you were thinking?”
“Then we need to practice.”
“I’m not a witch casting spells.”
I reached out, grabbed a fluffy towel, and started drying her. “Gorgeous, you kinda are.”
“I amnota witch.”
I smirked, amused she didn’t seem to like that term. “I need to keep you safe, and I won’t have you ending up somewhere random where I can’t be there to protect you.”
Perhaps my words were laced with a hint of desperation and possessiveness. I didn’t give a shit. I took care of what was mine.
Her shoulders relaxed and she sighed. “Fine. But I need clothes for this.”
Five minutes later–because Jack either really wanted me to practice or really wanted to tie me up–I was dressed and had Jack’s cell in my hand. We agreed, for this practice, I wasn’t teleporting anywhere without one. Just in case.
We decided to start small. We were in his bedroom, not fifteen feet from the bed. My destination.
“Okay, how do you think I should do this?” We stood together, somewhat awkwardly. It wasn’t like either of us had ever done this before, me, at least, intentionally.
I eyed the bed. If I picked Jack up with my newfound strength, I could throw him the distance. That wasn’t the superpower we were working on, and I didn’t think that one needed any help.
“You said you have to be angry,” he said.
I arched a brow. “We just got done with that. I don’t want to fight with you anymore.”
“You also said the static electricity was part of it.”
I forgot about that.
“Yeah, but have you felt it lately?”
He shook his head. “You think it’s gone?”
I shrugged. I had no clue.
“I don’t,” he replied. “Maybe all that electricity was foreplay.”
“Charged foreplay?”
He ran a hand through his hair. “I have no fucking clue. It happened on the plane, the first time we met. Every time since. Until we had sex. All I know is that now that I’ve had you, I can’t get enough. Maybe we do it too much to build it back up?”
“Are you serious?”
“I’m not holding off getting inside you to test it.”