Page 63 of Hannah and the Hitman
I grinned at her. “Yeah, well, gorgeous. I am.”
I stared at Jack, my brain not processing.
“What?” I whispered, not able to get the word to come out any louder. I eyed the guy on the ground, then Jack. I’d never seen him like this before. Angry. Wild. It was all directed at me and not in a sexy sort of way. Then somehow my synapses started to fire. “You’re ahitman?”
A hitman killed people for a living. Oh my God. The guy I’d fallen for, who I’d had lots and lots of amazing sex with, was a murderer. Mrs. Metcalf and Brittany were going to feel really fucking bad when I told them.
“Who sent you? What’s your angle?” he snarled. He set his hands on my shoulders, squeezed, pulling my attention back to him.
Dax, Jack had called him by name, the friend he’d mentioned, stepped closer and crossed his arms over his chest. He wore a crisp suit, like Jack. Was a suit a hitman’suniform? Obviously, Dax wasn’t fazed by what was going on. He’d said they were business partners, so was he a killer, too? The answer was yes since he’d just hit someone with his car.
“My angle?” I sputtered. What was he talking about? “You think I kill people? Four months ago, I had a brain tumor and wasdying.I’m all for keeping people alive, thanks.”
“Jack, Paul Reggiano called,” Dax said, cutting me off. “Gave me a heads up that his father wasn’t satisfied with your work. Or that you quit. Would’ve been nice to hear about that.”
Jack eyed me for another few seconds, then turned his head toward Dax. “Turkleman’s dead. What can’t he be satisfied about? Plus, I quit after the job.”
“I told you not to stall,” Dax scolded, although Jack didn’t look the least bit contrite as they did a stare-off. “And since when did youquit?”
Jack tipped his head my way.
“Oh,” Dax muttered.
“Reggiano sent Eyebrows to kill me.” Jack looked back to me. “But who sent you?”
I blinked. Was it possible to have a heart attack from freaking out? It was pounding so hard I was surprised they couldn’t hear it. “Jesus, are you even listening? Sent me? I drove myself from Coal Springs. I’m not a hitman!” I shouted. My hair raised on my arms in a familiar and now scary way. “I’m a librarian.”
“I think Reggiano’s too misogynistic to send a woman for a hit,” Dax commented. I wasn’t sure if I should be insulted or pleased he was defending me.
“No one would see her coming. I didn’t,” Jack stated.
I felt like I’d been the one tossed across the garage. He really thought I was a hitman. That everything we’d done since the plane had been planned.
“You’re an idiot!” I yelled in his face.
He’dtracked me down.
He’dgone to my parents.
He’dseduced me.
Hecouldn’t see any of that though.
“Then how did you know he’d be waiting down here for me?”
“Because the other one from the plane came to the library to kill me, you jackass!”
“What?” Jack’s posture went ramrod straight.
I nodded.
The other man swore.
Jack murmured to Dax. “I need to get her out of here.”