Page 34 of Hannah and the Hitman
Hannah’s normal was open, friendly. Simple.
“Hi, Hannah.”
Hannah looked up at the woman who called to her. Her timing was fucking fantastic because I didn’t have to lie to my girl about my work. She approached our table. The smile on her face made her seem pleased to see Hannah, but her shrewd, maneater gaze was squarely on me. She wore a white t-shirt, but no one paid any attention to it since her ass was practically hanging out of a pair of tiny Daisy Dukes. She was attractive. Any man with decent eyesight would agree, but in a desperate sort of way.
“Hey, Paige. How are you?” Hannah asked, her tone lacking any kind of enthusiasm.
“Good. It’s been a long time.”
Hannah nodded. “It has.” I had to wonder if there was a reason for that.
“Who’s your friend?”
“Jack,” she replied, nothing more.
“Jack,” Paige parroted, drawing the one syllable out. “What are you doing with Hannah?”
As in,Hannah’s fine and all, but I’m a much better option.
“Eating pizza,” I told her.Making her come all over my hand.Whatever the fuck Hannah and I did was none of this woman’s business. Other than distracting Hannah from talking about my work, she was worthless to me.
Paige laughed, which made her tits jiggle a little too freely in her v-neck shirt. She was wearing a bra, but she could have paid more for extra support. “What do you do for a living, Jack?”
“He’s a mortician,” Hannah piped in.
Paige blinked, as if her brain couldn’t process that answer. Her smile slipped. “Mor–mortician?”
I shrugged and picked up my drink. “What can I say? It’s an underrated profession. Plenty of job security. Plus, I like wearing suits.”
She took in the one I had on today, but her gaze was now more repulsed than interested, even if it was bespoke. Fine by me. I drew hard on the straw, taking a big swig of soda.
“Good seeing you, Paige,” Hannah said. “I don’t want to rush you off, but Jack’s got to finish his meal and get back to those dead bodies. God, I hope he washed his hands after that last embalming.”
I swallowed wrong and tried not to cough as Paige stormed off. I didn’t have plans to murder anyone tonight, but the night was young enough to create a body count.
Hannah picked up her own drink and put the straw inher mouth. I tried not to imagine her sucking and swallowing like that on something else.
“Jealous, gorgeous?” I asked. Why the fuck did the possibility of that make me hard?
She sucked in a little more soda, then set the glass down. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The snooty way she had her nose in the air made me laugh. After a moment, she added, “She’s interested in what’s in your pants.”
I shrugged, uncaring. “The only woman I want interested in my dick is you.”
My dickreallywanted to get to know Hannah better, but it wasn’t in charge here. I had to play the long game with her.
With a sag to her shoulders, she seemed relieved. As if I really would go after Paige while having a meal with Hannah. Hell, or in general. I remembered that she’d said her ex had cheated on her, so the reaction was valid. But I didn’t appreciate being lumped in with the guy. I’d have to prove myself to her and that would take time.
“I’m not sure if you think so little of me or so little of yourself.” Either way, I didn’t like it. “We’re going to have to work on that.”
She waved her hand as if the topic was worthless. “Deep seated issue.”
“Paige was the head cheerleader way back when,” she explained. “Got the guys.”
I looked out the front window of the restaurant even though Paige was long gone. “She seems like the type who peaked in high school but hasn’t realized it yet.”
Hannah laughed and picked up her abandoned slice. “That’s a really good observation. Accurate, too.”