Page 66 of Blizzards and Brews
Adam’s voice was low and husky as he answered, “You are, Lindsay. I’ve always thought so.”
My heart slammed in my chest as I turned toward him, warmth spreading through my entire body. He took the opportunity to lean forward and press his lips to mine. The kiss was demanding and had me melting into him, my hands on his chest as he held me close.
We both ended it as the elevator dinged, the door sliding open.
Somehow, I kept my composure as I took in the restaurant we were walking into. It almost looked like an old greenhouse or conservatory with the glass building and high ceilings, but that was where the similarities stopped. A host was waiting for us in a fancy suit.
“Welcome to the Victorian Luxe Restaurant. Can I have your name?”
Adam gave him a reservation while I soaked in every inch of the dining room.
The tables were lined with midnight-blue tablecloths. The silver table settings and candles reminded me of the night sky against the deep blue.
Instinctively, I looked up, taking in the stars that were expanding above us. If we weren’t so high up, I don’t think we’d see it over the city lights, but up here I could see them sparkling faintly overhead.
“Right this way, please,” the host said. Adam started to follow him, pulling me along.
This was officially the nicest place that I’ve ever been in my life, and I couldn’t believe that Adam had arranged all of this.
After seating us, they started to pour champagne into the champagne flutes that were already on the table. Apparently, Adam had already prearranged everything.
When he walked away, Adam picked up my glass and handed it to me before taking his own.
“To us and finally finding each other,” he proposed.
“To us,” I agreed, clinking my glass carefully to his before taking a sip. It was tart and dry, with the perfect amount of bubbles. It was a lot better than the cheap stuff that I’d had before.
“Adam, this is all too much.”
“It’s never too much for you,” he countered with a smirk. The alpha knew he’d surprised me with this date. “They don’t offer a full menu here, it’s a tasting menu that the chef prepares every night.”
Here I was, a girl who was happy to have hot wings and fries at a bar, and I was about to eat a tasting menu in the fanciest place I’d ever been in my life.
“I wanted us to try to experience this together. When I heard somebody talking about this, I knew it was perfect. You’ve always been so great at suggesting pairings for the brewery. A bit out of character for me, but something spontaneous and fun we could do together.”
“Thank you,” I said. “You put a lot of thought into this and it shows. Everything is perfect.”
He smiled softly and took another sip of his champagne. We didn’t have to wait for long before the first course was coming out. It was a small bowl of soup with a fancy design drawn on the surface with white cream.
“They even do soup fancy here,” I teased before picking up my spoon. I was a bit worried because the soup itself was green, but the first bite was amazing. The flavors burst across mytongue, and I hummed in appreciation. I didn’t even need to know what was in it at this point.
“This,” Adam said with a wide smile. “I want to see more of this. I love seeing you enjoy yourself. You’re so–”
“Excuse me,” a woman said, stepping up to our table, cosmo in hand. “Do you think a big, strong alpha like you could possibly help me? I’m afraid my date stood me up and I need a ride home.”
A cloying, sweet smell wafted over the table as she shifted toward him, giving him an excellent view of her plunging neckline. Oh, this omega was working it alright. She’d seen Adam, an attractive, unmated alpha at what I assumed was an exclusive restaurant and thought what the hell? I should just shoot my shot. Who cares that he’s clearly on a date, she’s just a beta.
“No, I’m in the middle of something,” Adam said, not looking away from me. “Ask the maitre’d. I’m sure they’ll be of assistance.”
He dismissed her without a look, reaching over to take my hand.
“I don’t think you understand what I’m saying.Ineed help.” She all but pouted.
Her hand went to touch his shoulder and Adam moved away, giving her attention then. “No one touches me but my mate, and that’s her. Not you. You should go.”
Warmth filled me, a sense of satisfaction settling deep in my bones as he drew a clear line in the sand.
“Mr. Drake, is everything okay here?” our waiter asked as they brought out the next course.