Page 56 of Blizzards and Brews
As soon as my door closed and we were on the road, Alice started laughing so hard tears were streaming down her cheeks.
“Frank, you heavenly bastard. You owe me a hundred bucks,” she said, looking toward the sky. “I told you they would take after you and be so damn stubborn that it wouldn’t be until their thirties that they finally got together.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked.
“My dear mate, god rest his soul, thought the four of you would get together about half a decade or so ago. But I know how stubborn you are sweetheart, and I told him it would take an act of god or maturity, or in this case a huge, sexy alpha, to make you realize just how much you’re all meant for each other.”
My cheeks burned. “It was more than that,” I mumbled.
“Oh hush, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Y’all needed to find your own path, it doesn’t matter how long that took. What’s important is that you found your way back to each other.”
“There’s still a possibility that I’ll fuck it all up,” I told her, not bothering to curb my words.
Mama Alice was fully aware of exactly who I was.
“Oh, sweetheart, you’ll for sure fuck it up,” she said. “They will, too. Lord knows Frank and I did a few times over the years. What’s important is that you never give up on each other.”
A relieved smile graced my lips. “I’ll be sure to remember that.”
Minutes later, we were pulling into Holiday Hollow Holistic Spa. A groan left my lips as I realized what she had planned today. “You are a godsend, Mama Alice.”
“And don’t you forget it,” she said. “I know how my sons can be, and if that little display your new alpha just put on is any indication, you can use some time to relax.”
“Truer words were never spoken,” I said quietly, the topic switching to lighter things as we both immersed ourselves into the day full of pampering.
Even though I had used Ollie’s bath and taken out my aggression with Adam, apparently, I was still wound up. I hadn’t even realized how much tension I had been carrying around until I was thoroughly massaged out and my body was scrubbed and polished within an inch of my life.
Hell, the spa had even upgraded amenities and fed us a delicious lunch complete with fancy truffles from Adrien and Claire’s chocolatier line.
By the time I was sipping on champagne and getting my toes done, I was one big puddle of bliss.
My mind of course went to the boys again, and I couldn’t help but think about what they might be doing right now.
“You’re thinking about them again,” Mama Alice said knowingly. “You’ve got that look on your face.”
“What look?”
“The same look you had since you and Dustin started sneaking around in high school when you first started to notice boys,” she said knowingly. “Don’t think I didn’t know exactly what y’all were up to. To be honest it took me by surprise that you ended things with him, with all of them back then.”
“I couldn’t be what they needed.”
“Oh hogwash,” she said, lifting her champagne flute for a refill. “You want to know why Frank left the brewery to not just the boys but you as well? It’s because he knew the same thing everyone has, including yourself deep down in your heart. You were always meant to be. I’m glad you finally pulled your head out of your ass. I was about to launch a fake dating campaign with some Holiday Honey to make you jealous.”
I gasped. “You wouldn’t.”
“It’s a good thing we won’t have to find out now,” she said with a victorious smile. “I know how possessive you can get over what you consider yours.”
“I swear you and Beatty must be in cahoots,” I grumbled.
“Janet, too,” she said proudly. “Why do you think she recommended Spencer as a consultant?”
“How could she know we’d be compatible?” I gasped, nearly spilling my champagne.
“Oh, she didn’t,” Alice laughed. “That was just an added bonus. He was a sexy, confident alpha who would shake things up.”
“You two are a menace,” I said as I shook my head and relaxed back in my seat.
“And proud of it,” she stated before eyeballing someone across the room. “Oh, that’s Grace! I’ll be back.”