Page 89 of Bound By A Promise
Another blink.
The floor beneath me was covered with dirt and trash. I moved my head. The space was confined. Behind a seat. I was behind the seat in a truck, concealed in plain sight.
I held my breath at the ringing of a phone. The seat in front of me shifted.
A man’s voice filled the musty air. “Jefe. Sí.” A laugh. “Demasiado fácile.” He continued with pauses, his entire conversation in Spanish. “She’s still out. I just checked.”
I could only hear his side of the conversation.
“We got the signal when she started moving. It took us straight to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.”
“No, we dropped her phone.”
“I’m sorry, boss. They won’t even think to check it.”
“Yeah, that text message downloaded the tracker immediately. Led us straight to her.”
“The tracker is still working. It’s still at the museum.”
“They’ll never catch up to us. We’re almost to the airport.”
“Should be there in a few hours.”
Tears leaked from my eyes.
Whoever had me was talking to someone who wanted me.
That text message this morning.
Where were they taking me and to whom?
“Dante,” I said in my thoughts. “I love you. Please find me.”
“Camila, I heard about your exciting news. I hope el Patr?n didn’t force you to marry an Italian. Cat gave me your number. Call if we can help you. Wish you the best.” Catalina looked up at us. “I haven’t given Camila’s number to anyone, no one recently.”
I tried to make sense out of the message. “I hopeel Patr?ndidn’t force you to marry an Italian. What the actual fuck?”
Catalina shook her head. “I don’t recognize the number, and they didn’t identify themselves.”
Aléjandro took the phone and reread the message. “Someone from our cartel? Someone against the alliance?”
“Camila’s friends wouldn’t say I gave them her number. They would also come up with a name.”
“Shit, fuck.” I fisted my hair.
“Herrera?” Aléjandro asked.
“Ana?” Catalina questioned. “I haven’t communicated with her since right after my wedding.” She took the phone fromAléjandro. “No. Ana is in Mexico. This isn’t an international number.”