Page 86 of Bound By A Promise
His nostrils flared. “Dante, get the fuck in the side seat. I can follow directions.”
“We’re headed to the museum.”
Giovanni spoke, “I’ve called in backups. We have men canvassing the museum and the parking lot.”
“She didn’t just leave.” My stomach twisted. “There’s no way she would leave.”
I took the passenger seat in my own fucking car.
“Tell me where to go.”
“I’ll program the GPS.” I spoke to Giovanni. “We’re on our way. Make sure the other women are safe and find my wife.” I disconnected the call.
Immediately, my phone rang.
“Where the fuck are you?” Dario’s voice roared through the car speakers.
“On my way to the museum.”
“You shouldn’t be driving.”
“I’m here,” Aléjandro said. “We were leaving Emerald Club when we got the call.”
“Fuck. Good. I’m glad you’re with him. Don’t let my brother do anything stupid.”
Aléjandro looked in my direction and grinned. “I stopped him from driving, but if we catch the motherfucker, I’ll help him murder whoever dared to touch Camila.”
“Don’t jump to conclusions. We don’t know she was taken.”
My volume was too high. “You think my wife of a week left me?”
“That’s not what I said,” Dario tried to pacify. “Try to do it without drawing attention to yourselves. I’ll meet you there.”
We disconnected the call.
Later that day, I couldn’t have told anyone if the radio was on or what was said as my brother-in-law followed the GPS. The entire drive to the museum was hell. Multiple times, I contemplated getting out and running. I tapped my fingers on the window, needing to move, wanting to hit something.
His voice cut through the mayhem in my thoughts. “They’ll find her.”
“She didn’t leave of her own free will. Why the fuck wasn’t she being better watched?” I ran my hand through my hair. “Who did this? Who would be ballsy enough to take my wife?”
“Brazen,” Aléjandro and I said together.
“I’ll call Rei,” he said, reaching for his phone in his pocket.
“His number is in my phone,” I volunteered. Aléjandro hit the talk button on the steering wheel. “Call Reinaldo Roríguez.”
“Calling Reinaldo Roríguez.”
“Luciano,” he said, answering on the first ring.
Aléjandro spoke. “Rei, I’m here with Dante. Camila has gone missing.”
“What the fuck? She leave him already?”
I pounded my fist against the door handle. In another second I’d explode.
“Not good timing,” Aléjandro said. “We just got some information on Herrera. Can you get us a location? Is he in the States or in México?”