Page 76 of Bound By A Promise
“You don’t mind me driving?”
“I saw your license yesterday. I assume you passed a test.”
“I did, but Catalina always has her bodyguard. I figured…”
He reached over, laying his hand over my knee. “Things to talk about, Camila. Dario is a bit paranoid. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have protection. I offered Miguel a job.”
“What?” I asked as we glided across the tarmac. “Really?”
Dante nodded. “He said he’d need to think about it and talk to your father. After all, since Luis died, there’s not been a steady bodyguard for your mother. Miguel was assuming that would be his position after you married.”
“I was afraid Papá would blame Miguel for my absence.”
The streets of Kansas City came to life around us. Tall streetlights illuminated the night sky. Buildings grew larger as we worked our way into the heart of the city.
“No matter who I hire to protect you, I expect you to stay with them. No middle-of-the-night escapes.”
I raised my right hand. “No more middle-of-the-night escapes. Besides, won’t I be busy in the middle of the night?”
Dante glanced in my direction, his dark gaze shimmering with the reflection of the dashboard. “Yes, you will.”
As Kansas City passed by the windows, my thoughts went to our first night together. The day had been so eventful, I hadn’t had a chance to reflect on what we’d done with and said to one another.
Dante pulled the car into the same garage I recognized from my visits to Cat’s place. We made the same turn, entering the private garage, the area with the private elevator that went up to not only Dario and Cat’s apartment, but the floor below, my new home.
Once the elevator doors closed, Dante spun me. My back collided with the sidewall as he pressed his hips against mine and lifted one arm over my head. Without a word, his lips sought mine, a strike of a match giving energy to the flames within me. A moan escaped my lips as we rose high into the Kansas City skyscape, and Dante took my breath away.
Our kiss didn’t yield until the elevator stopped.
Blinking, I stared into his dark brown orbs. “You said the elevator has a camera.”
“It does. If it didn’t, you’d already be naked.” My eyes darted around the seam between the walls and ceiling, searching for the recording device while wondering if he was serious about my nakedness.
The doors opened to the floor and apartment I’d only visited once. Taking my hand, Dante led me into our home. My suitcases were lined up in the entryway. The last time I was here, I was too nervous to mentally take in the surroundings. Much like the penthouse up above, Dante’s space was filled with expensive minimalist furniture. Lights turned on as we entered the rooms, activated by motion sensors. In the living room therewas a long white stone fireplace. With the touch of a button, flames came to life, flickering hues of orange and blue.
We turned the corner.
“This is the kitchen where you were first kissed,” he said.
“And where I first kissed a man.”
I ran my fingers over the cool quartz countertop and took in the glass backsplash and top-of-the-line stainless steel appliances. “Do you cook?”
“I make a mean bowl of cereal, and I’ve been known to burn toast. I’ll have to demonstrate my culinary prowess to you in the morning.”
“Lola, our housekeeper, taught me some recipes.” I shrugged. “Cat cooks more than I can, but I’m willing to give it a try.”
His smile curled. “Discussion for another day. There’s a more important room I want to show you.”
“More important than the kitchen. What in the world could that be?”
Dante led me through the living room to a hallway with multiple doors. He pushed the first one inward. “Bathroom.” Second door. “My office.” He turned on the light to a room, sans a desk and chair. “As you can see, I don’t use it. I have an office at Emerald Club.” He turned to me. “You should make it your office. A place to study and do your homework.”
“Jano let Mia decorate their house.”
“Aren’t you studying interior design?”
My cheeks rose. “How did you know that?”