Page 68 of Bound By A Promise
We turned to the television. The first picture was of Dante and Father Gallo beneath the archway of lights.
“My patio,” Mia said. “I know it’s only furniture, but it still hurts.”
We all peered out the open windows to the empty space, devoid of furniture and all her stylish decorating.
“Oh, Camila,” Mama cried at the picture of me emerging from the dark living room. “Estabas hermosa.”
I remembered what Dante said about the moment when he saw me.
Everyone oohed and aahed.
“Emiliano,” Mama said at a picture of him handing me the ring. She turned to me. “I’m sorry, Camila. I hope your father will listen.”
I looked down at my ring. “I hope he does too, Mama. But whether he listens or not, I’m married to Dante.”
“I took a little video of the vows,” Viviana said before clickingplay.
The voices came from the speakers.
Dante’s voice filled the room. “Camila, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”
I swallowed as he slid the ring over my finger.
My voice was next. “Dante, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Tears of joy filled my eyes as I watched.
Father Gallo spoke, “In the sight of God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Dante, you may now kiss your bride.”
Mama sat forward. “Did you see that?”
“Yes, I’m married.”
“No.” Her complexion was ashen. “Viviana, can you rewind it and go slower?”
“What are you talking about?”
Mama stood and walked toward the television. “Watch Father Gallo and Dante as you’re placing the ring…”
We all stared.
“There, freeze it,” Mama said.
“Oh my God.” I got up and walked to my mother. “I didn’t notice it before. I assumed it was a reflection.”
Mama turned to us. “I know what that red light was. I saw it just before Luis was shot.”
My stomach twisted. “Someone had our wedding literally in their sights.”
“Why didn’t they shoot?” Mia asked. She reached for my hand. “I’m glad they didn’t, but why?”
“We need to show this to the men,” Mama said.
Ifollowed Dario out the front door. The benches and flowerpots that had been decorating the courtyard were gone, cleaned away by Silas and Viviana, making the space look empty.