Page 58 of Bound By A Promise
Catching the waistband of my panties with my fingers, I pulled them down, keenly aware that they were wet with the arousal he’d claimed to know was there. I let the lacy material drop to the carpet and join the puddle of my dress.
Something resembling a primitive growl echoed through the bedroom suite as Dante stepped back and slowly walked around me. His intense focus returned the scorching flames to my exposed skin. All my skin. One. Two. Three circles, each one weakening my resolve and my knees.
It was the one word running on repeat as I scanned every inch of Camila’s sensual being. She was as I said, fucking perfect. “I want to explore every peak.” I lowered my lips and sucked one of her nipples. Her shriek was a lightning bolt to my hardened cock. “Every valley.” My lips teased the flesh between her breasts. “Until I’ve solved every mystery of your body.”
Camila wobbled as if she was hypnotized by the sound of my voice.
As I’d done on the balcony, I lifted her naked body to my chest and carried her to the bed. Throwing back the blankets, I laid her on the black satin sheets.
Camila’s innocence would be evident after I took her, but it wouldn’t be the stark broadcast of red on a crisp white canvas. Grabbing the back of my shirt, I pulled it over my head, tossingit onto the floor. I made quick work of my holsters, removing my gun and two knives. By the time I was down to my boxer briefs, Camila was sitting up, her body up to her breasts covered with a sheet, staring in my direction with the sexiest smirk I’d ever seen.
“You were saying, about your experience with seeing men?”
“We have a pool. I’ve seen what you’re showing me.”
“You’ve seen it. Have you touched it?”
Camila shook her head.
I crooked my finger and bid her to come to me.
There was a millisecond of a delay. Yet before I could say a word, Camila threw back the sheet revealing her perfect body, and getting off the bed, came toward me. Reaching for her hand, I brought it to my chest.
Camila splayed her fingers. “I feel your heart beating.” She ran her finger over a scar on my pectoral region and more on my biceps. Her smile dimmed. “You have so many scars.”
“Badges of honor, my father used to say. Each one proves I survived.”
Camila shook her head. “Will you tell me about them?”
“I don’t remember all the stories. They blend together.”
With both her hands against my shoulders, she leaned closer. Her softness against my hardness caused my cock to twitch and my balls to draw up.
“May I see all of you?” she asked.
“If I pull myself out, this is going to go a lot faster than I want it to. You will do more than see, but first, I want to learn those mysteries.”
Her grin grew. “What mysteries?”
Taking her hand, I led her back to the bed and lay down at her side, my head supported by my hand, my elbow on the pillow. I stared down into her green velvet stare. “Mysteries.” I bent my neck closer and blew a warm breath behind her ear,causing her to giggle as her flesh prickled with goose bumps. “You’re ticklish behind your ear.”
I continued my exploration, kissing and nipping. Her nipples were ultrasensitive, beading with the slightest attention. This time I moved lower, kisses and nips down her flat stomach, over her protruding hips. The sweet aroma of her essences beckoned me lower as she wiggled beneath my touch.
“Dante.” My name hung in the air.
“I’m still solving mysteries.”
She pressed her legs together. Lifting my head, I met her gaze. “Mine.”