Page 31 of Bound By A Promise
Taking my hand, she led me into the living room to her sofa. The glass doors facing the Pacific Ocean were opened wide and the sound of the surf down below created a soothing rhythm. “I’m tired. Not as tired as I was in the first trimester. And ourbebéis growing.” She narrowed her eyes. “What brings you to San Diego? I didn’t know you were coming until you called a few minutes ago.”
“It was kind of a last-minute decision.” I looked around. “Is Aléjandro here?”
“No. He and Em are off somewhere doing something.” She smiled. “He really is more informative than that, but with my pregnancy brain, I’m happy if I can keep my own schedule straight. The school, the one you helped me buy, has seventeen residents. I was there most of the day. We have a full-time tutor.”
Mia’s joy was contagious.
“That’s wonderful. Don’t overdo in your condition.”
“I’m healthy. I’m excited to make a difference.” She sat taller, pulling one leg up to her chest. “We have room for more residents. I think these first ladies are testing the waters for the others.” She shook her head. “It’s much better living conditions than they’ve had in the past.” She tilted her head. “Enough about me. Why did you say you’re here?”
A woman I recalled was named Viviana appeared. “Mr. Luciano,SeñoraRoríguez, may I get you anything? Something to drink?”
We both declined. Once we were again alone, I told Mia what had happened. During her party only a few weeks ago, I was under the impression that everything regarding Camila and me was set.
Her smile faded as Mia laid her hand over mine. “Dante, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be fucking sorry.” I stood and paced before the open wall as the western sky filled with red, orange, and purple hues. “If Camila didn’t know about our marriage, it would be one thing. I’d still want her. But she knows, Mia. I told you that night that I’d asked her. I made her a promise of forever, and now, without my knowledge, it was taken away.”
“It isn’t like Jorge to change his mind.”
“I’m under the impression that it was Andrés who instigated the change.”
Pressing her lips together, my sister nodded.
“What do you know?”
Exhaling, she lowered her chin to her chest and looked up at me through her lashes. “Don’t do that to me, Dante. I’m not a famiglia spy. I can’t relay what I know in confidence from the cartel.”
“You know something.”
Mia raised her chin. “I’ve heard talk. Aléjandro was informed.”
“Fuck. When?” I sat back on the sofa at her side. “Listen, I’m not asking you for information on products or weapons. I want to know why Andrés Ruiz pulled the rug out from under me with Camila. You know damn well they wouldn’t have done this to Dario.”
Mia nibbled her lower lip. “In a way they did. How is he taking it?”
“Are you kidding? With Ariadna Gia he doesn’t want any waves with the cartel.”
She laid her hand over her midsection. “I understand that.”
“Camila and I would be another brick in the alliance.”
“Not if Andrés has nixed it.”
“Nixed it for his own fucking good. He’s using his daughter to cement his future with Jorge.”
Mia stood. “Yes, like Dario used me and Andrés used Catalina. It fucking sucks, Dante, but that’s the world we live in. Dario and Catalina are doing well. So are Aléjandro and I. Camila will adjust. She won’t even need to leave the world and culture she knows. Besides, Rei’s a good man.”
Inhaling, my chest felt tight. “Fuck that. I’m sick of people singing his praises.” My voice rose. “You of all people. I thought you’d see my side in this—Camila’s side.”
“Me, who has been married off twice in her life?”
“You, who has been preaching against the misogynistic ways men use women. I didn’t set out to fall for Camila. I know she’s too young for me. I know the shit I’ve done and will do in the future. I don’t deserve her, but that doesn’t fucking matter because when I chose her, she chose me too.”
My sister’s smile returned. “That’s right. You’re a rebel.”
Standing, I clenched my fists at my side. “A lot of fucking good it did me.” I spun toward Mia. “I’m going to go talk to Andrés, in person. Man to man.”