Page 24 of Bound By A Promise
When it came down to it, a young twenty-something lanky guy who played tennis and video games didn’t garner my interest. After Dante’s kiss, I couldn’t imagine any of their lips on mine or tongues in my mouth.
It was totally inappropriate the number of times I’d relived that kiss, the sensation of his strong and powerful hands holding me against him, and the hardness of his erection against my core. The force of his lips taking what I offered still sent my blood ablaze.
Just as it had happened that night, the memories caused my panties to dampen. No matter how much I tried and even with a vibrator, I hadn’t been able to recreate the orgasm he brought on. And try, I have.
Despite my college experience being different than the average twenty-year-old student, it didn’t take away from the fact I was now a sophomore in college. I wasn’t completely alone. My cousin Sofia and her friend Liliana, both now living with Aunt Marie and Uncle Nicolas, were also students at SDSU. Sofia almost had the credits to be a sophomore, while Liliana was only beginning her courses.
Catalina and Mireya paved the way as some of the first females in the Roríguez cartel to attend college. Thanks to them, Sofia, Liliana, and I were able to pursue our interests. While it may not seem like a big deal, for us it was. I’d just finished myCAD class, computer-aided design. Normally, my mind would be filled with thoughts and designs. However, today was different.
As I climbed the staircase with my backpack in tow, I tried to subdue my smile. On our way home, Miguel informed me that Papá wanted to see me in his office to discuss something important. Unlike when my sister was similarly summoned, I knew what Papá wanted to discuss. I needed to pretend ignorance. From what I learned, what he’s about to tell me was almost announced a few weeks ago, when Aléjandro and Mia had a housewarming party. However, as the gathering was also a celebration of our new niece, Ariadna Gia and we received the announcement that Mia was expecting, Dante shared with me in secret whispers that our news was sidelined—temporarily.
A wave of warmth flowed through me as I thought back to a night over a month ago.
The cartel women were gathered at Aunt Maria’s home. There was something big happening within the Roríguez cartel. Aléjandro andel Patr?nwanted the women together and guarded. While being imprisoned under the guise of protection irritated me, I had no choice. Mama and Aunt Maria were back in Kansas City to meet my new niece, Ariadna Gia. My cousin Mireya welcomed not only me, but also Liliana and Sofia from Northern California and the newest member of the Roríguez cartel women, Mia Roríguez.
When Mireya and I greeted Mia, the last person I expected to see was Dante. Whatever was happening had obviously included the famiglia. My heart beat erratically when his dark eyes met mine. I recalled our agreement to act as if nothing had happened, yet my body had a mind of its own.
There was no comparison between Dante Luciano and the guys in my classes. Wearing a custom suit and a formidable expression, Dante was Mafia danger personified. His razor-sharp jaw, protruding brow, and firm lips made my coretwist. His suit accentuated the hard muscles I’d felt months ago, the ones that pushed against my softness. I stared at his impeccably combed hair, remembering what it was like to run my fingers through his locks.
While he didn’t say a word, I was barely standing, my breath taken away.
At one point in the evening, while the other ladies were out back on Mireya’s patio chatting, I made my way inside the house.
I slipped silently through the hallways toward Uncle Nicolas’s office, hoping to catch a glimpse of Dante Luciano. As I turned a corner, I ran face-first into a solid wall of muscle. Dante’s hand covered my lips before I could vocally release my surprise. With a twist, he turned the two of us until we were hidden in the alcove of a doorway.
My heart slammed against my breastbone at the sensation of his strong hands on me, holding me in place. My panties dampened as the leather and spice scent of his cologne brought back a flood of memories. Without thinking, I pressed up on my tiptoes, eager to repeat the kiss we’d shared in Kansas City.
Dante stiffened as his deep voice sent a chill reverberating through me. “I’m standing in the home of one ofel Patr?n’stop lieutenants. You will get me killed.”
“I promise, getting you killed isn’t my goal.”
Dante looked from side to side, and opened the closed door, taking us both into a dark room. It was Uncle Nicolas’s empty den. I knew he was at Jano’s house with the others; still, the lack of light was unnerving. Dante’s warm hand cupped my cheek. “I wanted to talk to you.”
My vision adjusted, bringing Dante’s handsome silhouette into view. “You did?”
“Camila, I know I’m too old for you.”
“You’re not,” I protested. “Dario and Cat…”
“My sister wasn’t happy when she learned she was to marry Aléjandro. She’s called out Dario on the misogynistic way marriages are arranged.”
“Why are you telling me that?”
“Because Dario mentioned that your name has come up regarding marriage.”
Tears came to my eyes. “I haven’t been told anything.”
“Nothing is set…” In the darkness, the air shifted as Dante lowered himself before me, holding both of my hands in his. Before I could question it, his baritone tenor filled my ears. “You don’t know me, Camila. This isn’t fair to you, but after what happened…being your first kiss…I want to ask you to marry me.”
“Ask me?” My mind couldn’t compute. This wasn’t the way things were done in the cartel and especially not with the Mafia.
“If you say yes, I promise I’ll move heaven and earth to receive your father’s approval.”
“My father isn’t the only one who will need to approve.”
“You’re right.” He brought my hands to his firm lips and kissed my knuckles. “The only approval I care about is yours. Camila, will you marry me, not for the alliance but because you want to?”
This had to be a dream.