Page 111 of Till Death Do Us Part
Andrés and Nicolas cursed under their breath. Andrés turned to me. “Patr?n? Does he know?”
Gerardo was pinned to the floor and Rei’s knife was still at Ángel’s throat. Everyone else turned to the sound ofmi padre’svoice.Mi padrewalked into the dining room with two of his guards, coming from the direction of my office. He shook his head at the chaos. Gerardo quickly lifted his head, pressing against the blade. If you asked me, he was throwing himself on my knife. There was no way he’d get off that easy. He’d targeted my wife.
Gerardo and Ángel had a long night ahead of them. Their deaths wouldn’t be quick or painless.
“Aléjandro is in charge of this region, this state,”mi padre’svoice boomed against the glass doors. “My word is still final. If anyone else has a problem with his command, now is the time to voice your opinion while you still have a tongue.” He walked closer to where I had Gerardo on the floor and kicked him with the toe of his boot. “I knew you were a problem when you continued to call me even after I told you to call Jano.”
“Patr?n, this is all a lie,” Gerardo said. “I haven’t hidden my displeasure with Aléjandro, but I’d never go behind your back with Kozlov or Herrera.”
Mi padremotioned to his two guards. Rei and I stepped back. One guard hauled Ángel from his chair and the other lifted Gerardo by grasping his injured arm. The guards twisted the moles’ hands behind their backs and secured them with zip ties. Both men continued their claims of innocence as the guards removed Gerardo’s and Ángel’s weapons and walked them into the garage.
Once they were out of the house, Andrés and Nicolas turned to me and then tomi padre. “We didn’t know.”
Mi padrelooked at me.
“I believe them.” I lifted my chin toward Rei, Nick, and Em. “We’ve suspected for a while, but we couldn’t prove it until now.” The world around me blurred. I reached for the back of a chair, knowing my circulation was racing with adrenaline.
“You should have told me,”Padresaid.
“I wasn’t going to sentence an innocent man to death without proof.”
“You’ve seen the proof?” Nicolas asked Rei.
“I have seen it,” Padre said.
Rei nodded. “I have, too.” He turned to ourpadre. “Gerardo has a wife and a daughter.”
Padreinhaled, his nostrils flaring. “The wife is young, no?”
“Too young,” I said.
Padreturned to Nicolas and Andrés. “The girls will stay with one of you until everything is sorted out. Keep them safe.”
Both men agreed.
Looking down, I saw the pool of red. Lifting my foot, I saw the bloody shoe print. My knees wobbled as I reached for my side. To my dismay, I found my shirt sticky, clinging to my skin. I splayed my fingers, now covered in warm crimson. “Fuck, he got me.”
I hadn’t felt the wound, not until now. I pressed my hand against my side as blood continued to drip onto my shoes.
How much blood had I lost?
Rei rushed my direction. “Jano.”
The adrenaline from earlier was gone, leaving the room around me spinning as I collapsed. The world went black.
Dante held me as I walked by his side, up the metal stairs in the hideout. Rei was leading the way. All I’d been told was that the mole was found, and my husband had been stabbed.
Without my brother’s strength, I’d still be lying on the floor of Nicolas’s house, in the same spot I fell when I was told that another husband was in jeopardy of losing his life. Blood loss.
Till death do us part.