Page 101 of Till Death Do Us Part
“No. I helped you come up with the plan. I know my part.”
Aléjandro nodded and looked at Dante. “She did. She’s smart and sexy, and since she no longer wants me dead, I think I’m going to keep her.”
Dante grinned. “Miracles do happen.”
My part in this plan was to accompany my business associate—enter Dante—to a meeting with a realtor, and then with an attorney on the famiglia’s payroll, and also a city attorney representing an abandoned school located less than a mile from Wanderland.
It wasn’t exactly an apartment building, but according to the MLA listing, the plumbing and electrical met code. There were seventeen classrooms, five bathrooms, two locker rooms with showers, as well as offices and a cafeteria/gym. With a little help, the building could house the women, and the minimal number of outside entrances made protecting the workers easier for the cartel. Dante and I were attending the meeting because we didn’t appear to be associated with the Roríguez cartel.
Aléjandro provided me with a fake ID. When he opened the safe, I learned that he had multiple identities for both of us, complete with passports and cash. “Just in case,” he’d said.
Dante would also be going by a different name. Together we would represent an LLC that had been in the famiglia’s back pocket for years, filed and waiting for use.
As long as the money transferred without a hitch, the cartel would have the building closed before dinner. I didn’t understand all the legal maneuvers, but in essence, the closing was accelerated with both the seller’s and purchaser’s approval.
Another famiglia connection was waiting for the word; once the sale was complete, he would start the process of having the property rezoned. Hopefully, the Wanderland workers could have a new place to live within a month.
That was a longer timetable than we’d hoped, but the building would be a valuable investment that would solve our long-term problems.
The car in the driveway was supplied by the famiglia. We weren’t taking chances with any connection to the cartel. Giovanni, a soldier from Kansas City, opened the driver’s door and stepped out. “SeñoraRoríguez.”
“Giovanni, it’s nice to see you.” I lowered my voice. “Dario let you off of diaper duty for a day?”
That made him grin, which as I recalled wasn’t an easy feat.
“And for the next few hours, my name is Ms. Alessandra” —Aléjandro thought it was close to his name— “Mancini.” I motioned to Dante. “And my business partner, Edoardo Barone.”
Aléjandro reached for my hand. “You won’t be alone.” His gaze went to my brother. “Dante brought trusted soldiers with him besides Giovanni, and I’ll have cartel eyes on you the entire time. You’re meeting at the school first to do a walk-through. Stay at your brother’s side. Then you’ll meet the attorneys at the title company to sign the paperwork.”
I nodded. “I know the plan.”
Strain showed in the tightening of his facial muscles. “I fucking hate not being with you.”
“I won’t let anything happen to her,” Dante reassured.
With Giovanni in the driver’s seat, Dante and I scooted into the back seat. I knew my role. I was prepared. I’d even crafted the plan. What I wasn’t expecting was the onset of nerves. Aléjandro had been the one to suggest Dante’s assistance. Now that the plan was underway, I was thankful I wasn’t on this mission alone. I turned to Dante. “Tell me about Ariadna Gia.”
My brother smiled as we drove away from our property. “She’s about the most precious baby I’ve ever seen.”
“Is Dario disappointed that she’s a girl?”
“Not in the least. He’s not anxious to repeat our dear ole dad’s fathering techniques. Ariadna will have him so wrapped around her little finger, he’ll be softened when a son comes along.”
“Oh jeez, Ariadna was just born, and he’s talking number two?”
Dante scoffed. “No, that was me. Even with Contessa’s and Jasmine’s help, I think Catalina and Dario are suffering from sleep deprivation.”
“It’s a busy time. We appreciate you coming out to help the cartel.”
“It’s always a busy time.” His nostrils flared. “Targeting women. Fucking bratva has no honor.”
Shaking my head, I stared straight ahead. The surroundings alerted me that we were nearing Wanderland. The tires bounced on the uneven concrete. “Who would have thought this alliance would work?”
“I seem to recallnotyou.”
I turned to my brother. “I was wrong. Your comments about Wanderland hit a chord with Aléjandro. He wants better for the workers than what they were getting.”
“He’s turned out to be a better man than I initially thought.”