Page 74 of Now and Forever
Pursing my lips, I held my knife low and near my thigh, like Em had taught me. I moved quickly toward him, swinging the knife in an upward arc toward Dario’s groin. He captured my wrist.
“I see you remember Emiliano’s instructions.”
“Let me try again.”
Perspiration coated my brow as I tried over and over. Each time, Dario either caught my wrist, or pulled me against him, his arm around my neck and shoulders. It was as he was releasing me that I spun, determined to find a target. Dario bent at the waist avoiding my knife, while lifting me over his shoulder. I landed on the mat, staring up at the ceiling fans.
“Are you all right?” he asked, appearing over me.
Nodding, I gasped for breath before moving to my feet. “I think the only way I can cut you is in your sleep.”
He pulled me against his chest. “You have stamina. We just need to work on your moves. Are you ready to call it a day?”
I looked up, my cheek still against his chest, and met his protective gaze. “Yes. And I promise, Armando or Giovanni will be with me.”
“You didn’t do badly.” He released me from his embrace. “Practice. At home you can work on removing the knife from the holster.” His dark eyes shone as he grinned. “Just not when I’m asleep.”
Armando stood with me in the Kansas City International Airport as we waited for Camila to walk down the ramp toward baggage claim. I was practically bouncing with excitement to see my sister. It had been over two months since my wedding, and Camila would be starting classes the beginning of September. Her visit would only be for a few days, and I couldn’t wait.
As strangers passed by, I was self-conscious of the holster beneath my long skirt. I’d spent hours practicing removing the blade from the holster. Dario wanted me to wear the protection whenever I was away from the apartment. At first, I wore only the holster, trying to get used to the way it felt around my thigh. This was only the second week I’d actually inserted the five-inch blade into the sheath. Each step I took, the handle nudged my skin. Every time a stranger looked my way, I imagined they could see what I was concealing.
I spotted Miguel first.
He was a head taller than most of the other passengers with his graying hair and wide shoulders. Wearing his customary suit, he appeared as if he was traveling with his daughter. “There they are,” I said, running forward into the crowd like a fish swimming upstream.
My sister was wearing a chic short skirt and a button-down blouse that tied around her waist. The patent-leather ankle boots were the perfect touch. She looked fantastic. Even though she was five years younger than I was, we were similar in appearance. Same dark hair and same green eyes.
Camila and I both squealed in excitement as we came together, hugging one another and not caring that other passengers had to walk around us. I palmed her cheeks and looked into her green eyes. “I’ve missed you.”
“It’s so good to see you. I’m glad Papá finally agreed to let me visit.”
I turned to Miguel with a big smile. “I’ve missed you too.”
“Mrs. Luciano.”
“Don’t you dare. My name has always been Catalina.” I turned to Armando. “You remember Miguel?”
Armando nodded—a man of few words.
Camila looped our arms as the four of us headed toward luggage claim.
“How was your flight?” I asked.
“Just a flight. What fun do you have planned for us while I’m here?”
Armando went for the car after confirming Miguel was on the job. After retrieving their luggage from the conveyor belt, the three of us walked outside to wait for Armando. As I told Camila all the places we could visit, the summer breeze blew my skirt and teased my hair. “I’m so glad your flight arrived early in the day,” I said. “Kansas City has some remarkable places. Armando is going to take us to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. We can have lunch in the Rozzelle Court and take some time looking at exhibits.”
During lunch, Miguel and Armando sat at a table beside ours, giving Camila and me a chance to speak without being overheard. “You look amazing,” Camila said. “I was afraid you weren’t telling me the truth and you were miserable here.”
I stabbed some leaves in my salad and shook my head. “I probably wouldn’t tell you if I was miserable.” Looking up, I met her gaze. “But I’m not. An arranged marriage isn’t easy, but Dario isn’t a difficult man to live with.” I felt the holster. “He’s even been continuing Em’s lessons with my knife.”
“He doesn’t mind you have a knife?”
“He has three on him at almost every minute. How is Em?”