Page 30 of Now and Forever
“I was raised a princess in the cartel with bodyguards always within sight. Not all females are allowed to attend college. My father was…more progressive. Still, I was raised to believe I was of worth. Even if that worth was used to leverage a deal.”
“You have worth, Catalina.” He inhaled. “You’re here because I chose you.”
Crossing my arms over my stomach, I said, “I’ve spent my life protecting my virtue, and now I’m expected to give it up without a fight.”
His eyes resumed their hungry stare. “You’re mine.”
Closing my eyes, I nodded. “I know that, too.”
“I don’t think you want to fight.”
I shook my head. “I don’t.”
“Why didn’t you tell me the truth about your virtue when I gave you the ring?”
“I didn’t lie,” I replied quickly. “You said you were okay with not being my first, but” —I gestured toward the bed— “I imagined you’d learn the truth sooner or later.”
“Is that why you’ve looked at me all night as if I’m the devil himself? Are you worried about sex?”
I let out a long breath, turned, and walked to the window. The closer I came, the better I could see through the glass. Down below, the guests were mostly gone except for the few Vincent had invited to his office. Workers were hustling from here to there, clearing away tables and chairs. My body again tensed as Dario came up behind me, the scent of his cologne filling my senses a millisecond before his warmth radiated behind me.
“You’re my wife.”
I nodded, fearful that if I spoke, the tears I’d held back would break loose, and I would drown in their flood.
“I’ll repeat what I said earlier.” His deep voice reverberated through me. “I don’t want you to fear me.”
Spinning, I looked up and met his stare. “You hurt one of the whores at Wanderland.”
Dario’s brow furrowed. “Is that what you heard?”
I nodded. “My brother told me. He said you paid extra for her missed work.”
Dario’s rumbling laughter caught me off guard.
“That’s rich.”
“What do you mean?”
“Your cousin treats the whores at that club like sex slaves.” He inhaled and ran his hand through his thick hair. “I don’t explain myself to anyone.”
Anger’s fuse began to burn within me. “Are you saying Nick hurt her?”
He reached for my hand. “I don’t harm women.”
“You’re a made man.”
He nodded. “I am. I’ve killed many men. Women have died, too, but not for sex. Gender doesn’t make the guilty innocent. That woman was already injured. Only a few days before our arrival, the cartel’s doctor ripped a child from her womb. She was too sick and in too much pain to work, yet she wasrequestedfor the visiting VIP customers—us. It was a request she couldn’t refuse.”
“An abortion?” I asked, dumbfounded. I’d never thought about the sex workers becoming pregnant.
Dario nodded. “She broke down and told me her story once we were alone. The bruises on her arms were there before I ever saw her. She begged me not to tell Nicolas or Nick, saying she’d be punished. They’d told her to work and if she didn’t...” He pressed his lips together.
Punish her?
My family?
Dario went on, “I paid ten times what was asked, saying what a great job she did and how after me, she deserved time to heal.”