Page 19 of Now and Forever
I wrapped my arms around my midsection, suddenly conscious of my robe and nightgown. “That’s good information.”
Dario nodded toward Armando who walked away, leaving Dario and me alone in the faintly lit room. “Have a seat.” He pointed to the tall stools at the counter.
Without a word, I did as he said.
When I turned his way, I tried unsuccessfully to read his expression. There was something in the way he was looking at me that made me self-conscious. “Is everything all right?”
“I’ve never seen your hair down. It’s lovely.”
Warmth filled my cheeks. “I suppose we shouldn’t be down here together like this. I’m sure someone would object.”
The microwave signaled that the meal was warm.
Dario opened the door and taking out the plate, brought it to the counter. “I’m not objecting.” Next, he found cutlery and handed a knife and fork to me. “Things have been” —he hesitated— “busy. I should have been at tonight’s dinner.” It wasn’t an apology, but I appreciated that he said it. “I’d hoped to get a moment to talk to you before” —he grinned— “tomorrow.”
I’d hoped for the same thing. Except my hope had started six months ago and ran out long before we arrived in the Ozarks. I took a bite of the lamb. The meat melted like butter on my tongue. “This is delicious. Have you eaten?”
Dario shook his head, took another plate from the refrigerator, and set it in the microwave. Once it was warm, he set the plate on the counter to my side. Before taking the stool, he offered me a sexy grin. “May I?” He was asking if he could sit beside me and tomorrow night, we would be consummating our marriage.
His warmth transcended the sleeve of my robe as he took the seat to my side. Looking up at his dark eyes, I marveled at how small I felt next to him. And yet, despite Em’s warning, I didn’t feel the need for my knife.
“I should have reached out to you more over the last six months,” he said before taking a bite of his dinner. “I’m glad you didn’t change your mind.”
Surprised, I asked, “You are?”
“Yes, Catalina.” He tilted his head. “My lack of interaction isn’t representative of my interest.” He paused. “Did you change your mind?”
Looking down at my plate, I thought of the many times I’d done just that. With a slight grin, I replied, “I could tell you no.”
“You could, but starting our marriage on deceptions isn’t the way we should begin.”
I inhaled. “I thought about changing my mind, more than once,” I admitted. “The reality is I never had a choice.”
Dario laid his fork on the counter, and for a moment I wondered if he would be upset. However, when he turned my direction, I didn’t see anger. I saw something closer to understanding. “Sometimes that’s the way of my world…ourworlds.”
“Did you have any choice in marrying me?” I wasn’t sure where my bravery was coming from, but I couldn’t stop my question.
“I chose you. Never doubt that.”
“Was there a list…a menu of prospective wives?”
A laugh came from deep in his throat. “Would yes be a better answer? Saying I was given a variety of choices and chose you above the others?”
“Were you…given a variety of choices?”
Dario shook his head. “I was involved in the negotiations with Jorge.”
I sat taller.
“Our marriage is good for both organizations. I’ll admit I turned down Camila.”
“Patron offered Camila?”
“He did. As I said before, I’m not interested in marrying a child. You’re young?—”