Page 100 of Now and Forever
I clenched my jaw. “She’s mine. No matter what happens today, that won’t change.”
“Tell me what you know.”
As quickly as I could, I let Jorge know my father’s unwillingness to step down, his unexpected demise, and about the Herrera double cross.
My uncles were ahead of us, reaching Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport before us. If Dante and I were correct in interpreting what Father was saying, the Ruiz men were about to land in an ambush. We had to get there before the plane.
We were almost to the airport when Armando called. I put the call on speaker. He’d started talking before I could let him know about Father. With each of Armando’s words or phrases, I gripped the phone tighter. The damn thing almost crumbled in my grasp.
“Take him to the basement in the club,” I said, speaking of Rocco. Turning, I saw the glint in Dante’s eyes. “We’ll question him after we have this situation taken care of. Where are Catalina and Jasmine?”
“Contessa took them to the safe room.”
“If Dante and I don’t make it back, get Mrs. Luciano to her family. She isn’t safe in the famiglia with anyone else in charge.” My father was included in that scenario, but obviously, no longer a problem.
“Yes, sir.”
After the call disconnected, I spoke to my brother. “You’re now my second. My consigliere. If I die today, give me your word you’ll make sure Catalina is safe.”
“You’re not dying today.”
Inhaling, my nostrils flared.
“I heard what you said to her on the phone.”
I swallowed.
Dante went on, “You said you love her. Jasmine too.”
“Protect them both.”
“You’ve got that handled, but you’re damn right. I’ll be there too.”
“What do you think is happening out there?” I asked, pacing the length of the room and back.
Both Jasmine and Contessa only stared my direction.
“You’ve been with the famiglia longer than I have,” I said. “I’m scared.”
“Mr. Luciano will prevail,” Contessa said.
“He’s never told me what he does,” Jasmine said, a smile curling her lips. “He made it seem like his job was running Emerald Club, but Josie shared more with me.”
“What did she tell you?” I asked, taking a seat beside Jasmine on one of the beds. Scooting back to the wall, I stretched out my legs.
“She told me the world wasn’t black and white.” Jasmine looked down. “Before we came here, Josie worked really hard to get us our own place. I only remember bits and pieces. I remember after she got me out of foster care, we spent a lot of time going from one person’s place to the next. Eventually, we’d be kicked out. There were times we spent some nights in her car. We’d shower at a truck stop.
“It would have been easy for her to tell me the whole world was full of terrible people. I would have believed her. As a kid, I saw more than my share.” She inhaled. “Josie didn’t do that. She could look out the window, see a storm, and say, ‘this will help the flowers grow.’”
I covered Jasmine’s hand. “Josie sounds like a great person.”
Jasmine nodded. “She was, but she wasn’t perfect. The best thing about my sister was her ability to see good in a sea of bad. She loved Dario.” Her fingers came to her lips as if she said something she shouldn’t. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I’m glad he knew her love.”