Page 39 of The Man with the Knot
Brax shrugs. “Yeah. I think next month.”
I shake my head. “This is crazy. When did you find out? Why is he coming?” I demand. “I thought you guys hated leaving the island.”
Brax shrugs. “We do, but we wander from Mirago sometimes. We’re nottotalrecluses.”
“Yeah, it’ll be fun to watch him try to navigate the subway,” I say in a wry tone. “Good luck with that.”
Brax grins.
“Is it bad if I deliberately let him get lost and end up out in Queens somewhere?”
I roll my eyes. “You are ridiculous.”
Brax chuckles. “Fine, I’ll be a gracious host. Although I’m not sure how much we’ll end up seeing of him because according to his message, he’s here for business.”
I raise an eyebrow. “Business? But what business?”
Brax hesitates for a moment.
“Remember the women living on the island with us? The girls at the council meeting?”
I fix him a look.
“You mean the naked girls who were serving food. Among other things.”
My boyfriend has the grace to blush.
“Yeah, them. Well, I think Trek is looking to recruit,” he says in a light tone. “We probably need fresh blood and it’s part of his job to do procurement.”
I stare.
“Procurement? Are you serious?”
Brax merely shrugs.
“Yeah. The guys like to have new girls on the island, so Trek is here to find them.”
“You make it sound so business-like,” I say with an arched brow.
He shrugs.
“Recruitment is just a fact of life. Mirago is a place where men enjoy themselves, and we need women to take our knots. We need girls to sit down hard on them, and that means we need fresh supply.”
“Fresh supply?” I ask, staring now. “Somehow, your verbiage isveryquestionable.”
Brax grins, flashing even white teeth.
“Our methods may be unconventional, but they work. Again, sweetheart, all of the women at Mirago are there because they want to be. No one forces them, and they enjoy their time fulfilling our needs. They’re paid a lot too, Morgs. I shouldn’t divulge this, but my brothers and I are wealthy. Like over-the-top rich, with money spouting from our ears. The rent from the resort is mind-boggling, and actually, we only work as a hobby because we don’t need the money.”
I stare.
“Are you serious?”
My handsome boyfriend merely shrugs again.
“Mirago is paradise. No one needs to work in paradise if they don’t want.”
I gasp because once again, I’ve been surprised by these revelations about the island. I understand that Brax comes from a community of men with a particular lifestyle, but I had no idea that they were loaded too. My mind is buzzing and I shake my head.