Page 13 of The Billionaire's Baby
“Oh fuck Sophie. You are killing me here.”
She looked up at him and she saw the desire she felt reflected in his eyes. She jumped up and pulled her shorts and panties off and lowered herself into him. She yelped as he took control and grabbed her ass pushing her down onto him hard. She leaned over to kiss him as she bounced up and down on his cock enjoying the feel of him, still slightly cold, inside of her. He squeezed her ass as she rode him and he pulled away from her so that he was staring into her eyes as they both came. She wanted to close her eyes as the orgasms ripped through her but the intensity of his gaze heightened her pleasure. She stilled and collapsed against him as he slid out of her and she rested her head on his shoulder.
“Now, that is one reason why mid-afternoon sex isn’t always good.” He grinned at her. “It makes you tired.”
“I’m not tired.” She yawned as she spoke and they both laughed as they relaxed on the couch.
“Really?” He smiled at her tenderly.
“Really.” She felt happy curled up on top of him. His body felt so warm and comfortable and he was still in a good mood. She didn’t want this moment to pass.
“Well Sophie, you have worked very hard this afternoon. I suppose you do deserve a little nap.”
“Really?” She smiled up into his eyes and was rewarded with another sweet smile.
“Yes.” He pulled her up and gathered her towards him so that they were both lying on the couch spooning. He was behind her with his arms around her and she could feel his cock next to her ass. “We can take a quick nap.”
“Ooh that sounds nice.” She smiled and breathed in deeply. His scent was all over the room and she wanted every one of her senses to enjoy this moment. She closed her eyes and started humming to herself, something she had done since she was a little kid.
“The song game?” Maxwell whispered into her ear.
“If you want.” She grinned, delighted that he remembered the game from their childhood. When she had been unable to sleep, they had sometimes played the song game. A game she had learned from her parents. Basically one person sang or hummed a song and the other one had to guess it and sing along and then it was their turn to choose the song.
“Who’s first?”
“You can go first.” She was eager to hear his voice singing again.
“Ok, hmm. Let me think.” His hands caressed her stomach and she pushed back into him. “Ok, I have one:
“Sweet baby, why won’t you come around my way,
Sweet baby, what do I have to say?
I’ve been missing your loving,
I’ve been missing your heart,
Tell me that we can have a new start.”
“Ooh, I know this one. I know it.” Sophie squealed. “It’s ‘The Frapp’s’.”
“Smart girl.” He grinned and snuggled closer to her. “Your turn.”
“Okay, but you know I can’t sing as well as you.” She started.
“You have a lovely voice Sophie.”
“Yeah right,” She laughed. “Said no one ever.”
“Well, it’s lovely when you speak.” He laughed and she turned around to face him and hit him on the shoulder.
“You’re an ass.” She laughed at him.
“Go on, I want to hear this.” They stared into each other’s eyes both happy to just be in the moment.
“Ok, here goes:
“Tell me, when did you know I wasn’t the one?
When did you feel the wind pass by the sun?
When did the sky drop off of a hill?
Tell me will our love ever be real?
Will our love ever be real?”
Sophie sang sweetly and with conviction, the words hers as much as the original singers. She stopped singing and she looked into Maxwell’s eyes searchingly, hoping that maybe some real magic would happen and he would talk of his love for her.
“Hmm, I’m not sure.” He broke eye contact with her and looked away. “The Beatles?”
“Bob Marley?”
Sophie burst out laughing. “No, it’s not Bob Marley you goof.”
“Mickey Mouse?”
“No, but you are close.” She grinned at him.
“Oh boy.”
“Oh boy. I tawght I taw a puddy cat.” He joined in with her Disney imitations.
“I did, I did. I know I taw a puddy cat.” She laughed happy to have broken the odd mood that hung in the air.
“And he’ll huff an he’ll puff and he’ll blow your house down.” He leaned towards her and whispered before he kissed her. “You should watch out for big bad wolves Sophie.”
Before she could respond she felt his fingers opening up her legs and his cock plunging into her. “Ooh.” She said eyes wide with delight and surprise. He responded by rolling her over and getting on top of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist so she could feel him in her deeper and he responded by moving faster and faster. She felt her orgasm building up when he withdrew from her and spurted his cum all over her stomach. She lay there hoping he would finish off the job with his hands or mouth but he just grinned down at her. She moaned and wriggled around underneath him before he bent down and whispered in her ear.
“You see the trouble with wolves is they only care about getting what they want and need.” He winked at her and jumped up off of the couch.
Chapter 8
The boat ride felt uncomfortable. Sophie couldn’t put her finger on it but everyone was acting weird and stilted. The company lawyer Joseph had arrived with his wife Lily about an hour before they had left and Ella had not seemed happy to see either of them. Maxwell was also acting distant towards her. Something she should have expected after all the other times they had had sex. She had just hoped that this time was going to be different. She had felt like they had really had a connection and she didn’t understand why he always became so cold towards her. She sighed and stared out on the lake, it seemed so empty and vast and she shivered. Sometimes she felt like Maxwell was a lake: cold and solitary with hidden depths.
“A penny for your thoughts.” Ella came up to her looking miserable.
“Oh, they’re not worth a penny.” Sophie smiled at her friend. “What’s wrong Ella?”
“Nothing.” Her friend grimaced. “I just thought that it would be a family outing. You, me and Maxwell.”
“Oh.” Sophie frowned. “But Joseph is like family, we’ve known him so long now.” She looked over at the handsome lawyer who was drinking a beer and staring at them. He waved and smiled as they made eye contact and she waved back.
“I guess.” Ella turned away. “But we barely know Lily.”
“But Lily is his wife and seems sweet enough.”
“She just doesn’t really seem his type though, does she?” Ella raised an eyebrow at he friend and Sophie looked at Lily, who was slightly overweight but always very cheerful. It was true, Joseph looked like a blond Hollywood star and Lily looked like she could pay weightwatchers a visit.
“She’s wonderful though Ella, don’t be a bitch.” Sophie chided her friend. She was slightly peeved because she knew she was no stick either.
“Yeah. She’s a wonderful leech.” Ella bit back bitterly. “You know she is only with him for his money.”
“As opposed to his good looks you mean?” Sophie laughed and put her arm around her friend. “Don’t be bitter about love hon.”
“What?” Ella looked at her suspiciously. “What are you talking about?”
“Nothing.” Sophie sighed. “No need to bite my head off. It just seemed like you were bitter having to witness a perfect couple when we are both here alone. Trust me it’s not easy for me either watching two people who are so very much in love.”
“Yeah, they’re a perfect couple.” Ella laughed bitterly. “He’s the doting husband and she’s a proper Cinderella.”
“We’ll find our Prince Charming’s one day Ella.” Sophie smiled weakly at her friend worried. She’d never seen Ella look so blue.