Page 39 of Misadventures And Ms. Demeanor
JT sucked in a breath and held it. "Go on, kitty. Nice kitty," he said in a nice, calm, soothing voice.
"Turn or something," I said.
"If I turn one way, he's going to poke holes in my ass with his claws. If I turn the other way?—"
The cat hopped down off JT's hip, rubbed up against his blanket covered legs. I swear I heard it purr before it jumped down and went out the door.
We both exhaled, then I slammed the door shut, us on one side, the feral, schizophrenic cat on the other.
"This is a good sign, you shutting us in bed together." JT's voice was rough, his hair tousled, his eyes sleepy.
"We are naked," I hissed.
Now, he grinned. "I can see that." His eyes moved down my body. While the front half of me was covered with the sheet, the back half was completely exposed to him.
I hopped back on the bed and slid beneath the covers to hide.
"This is even better."
"Why are we naked?"
"I have no idea, but it works for me."
"You don't remember either?"
"The last thing I remember about last night was..." He thought for a minute. "We were talking about flour versus corn tortillas."
"Flour...wait, I do remember that. Then you said something about how cilantro was like eating fermented grass. Then it's all fuzzy from there for me."
"Esther's moonshine has some kick."
"Yeah, but right out of our clothes? JT, I hardly know you." My inner slut was fighting with the good girl within me. I turnedon my side to face him, the sheet covering me up to my chin. Unfortunately, the more I tugged, the less that covered JT. Not that I was complaining, mind you.
"When put in difficult situations, people often get closer much faster than usual."
"This is a difficult situation?" I asked.
"We were almost killed by a flying garden gnome. I'd say it's outside of the norm."
I bit my lip. He had a point. "Last night, did the hell happened?" I asked. I tried to remember, but there was a big blank area in the events after around nine o'clock.
"You'd know if we slept together," he replied, eyes dark.
I took a mental survey of my body. It didn't feel like I'd slept with anyone. "I don't think so."
JT moved so he was on top of me, surprising me and I didn't have a chance to get away. "When we sleep together, I promise not only will you be sure, but you'll remember it. Very well."
He lowered his head to kiss me, but I brought my hand up to cover his lips. "No way. I have the worst morning breath. Ever."
A smile formed against my fingers. He moved off me, which I was equally relieved and disappointed about. Before I could do anything, he tugged on my hip and pulled me back into him, then he turned us both so I was beneath him once again, this time face down. JT's body was lined up perfectly with mine—in every place—his forearms holding his weight off my body.
"There." He kissed the back of my neck, then started nibbling down my spine, moving the sheet lower and lower as he went. "No morning breath problems. This position is going to work for me."
As one hand slipped beneath me to cup my breast, I had to agree with him. For once, we were both in complete agreement. "Oh yeah."
After he'd made me forget my own name by just playing with my nipple, he slid his hand down my torso and cupped my hip, pulling back so I was up on my knees.
"Oh my." It slipped out. Completely fell out of my mouth. Now both his hands worked over me, heating my skin as they went. "Why...why aren't we hung over?"