Page 55 of Misadventures Of A Single Mom
He yanked on the covers, exposing me to the waist, and climbed back in bed. Moved on top of me. I felt every hard, hot inch of him. “You might need to practice some more.” His blue eyes crinkled at the corners as he grinned.
“You didn’t think I was skilled enough last night?”
His eyes went all out of focus as he remembered back to the multiple times I’d helped him with a condom.
“This is where I get jealous and possessive knowing you did this with some other guy.”
I smiled up at him. His beard had grown in surprisingly quickly and he was on the way to being Grizzly Adams. “Then you’ll probably be happy to hear I learned it, not from being with another man, but from Goldie.”
“I don’t know if I should be creeped out you learned that from your mother-in-law or thankful.”
I ran my hands down his lean back to his butt and pulled him closer. “I’m thankful for the gift box of condoms.”
I opened my legs so he fit in between, felt his hard length pressing against my entrance.
Ty shifted slightly and I moaned. “What about the toys?” he asked.
I reached down and took him in my hands. Ty sucked in a breath. “Like you said, who needs toys?”
“I thinkwe should talk about your husband,” Ty said, awhile later.
We were still in bed, the sheets a tangled mess, although we’d eaten, showered and returned to make a bigger dent in the condom box. I was insatiable. I couldn’t get enough of Ty, of his hands on my body. But with those words?—
“I don’t usually take two men to bed, even if one’s dead.”
I wore one of Ty’s fire department T-shirts and nothing else. I sat up, propped by pillows against the headboard.
He smiled, ran a finger up my bare arm. I swatted his hand away.
“That first time I met you at the pancake breakfast, you said he’d been with another woman.”
I sighed, tucked the sheet and blanket around my waist, worried the edging between my fingers. “I found Nate cheating on me the day I learned I was pregnant with Bobby. They’d been fucking—there’s no other word for it—for over a year. I had no clue, until I found them in the storage room at Goldilocks.”
Ty lay on his side, propped up on his elbow.
“He used to travel a lot, specifically to Germany. Hesaidthere was a dealer of very unique and high-end glass toys he wanted in the store. Back then, he helped run it with Goldie. I guess they’d met online. Turns out he was demo-ing the toys with the dealer. Her name was Annika. She’d flown into town under the guise of a sales trip, touring the US with her specialty items. She was supposed to hit stores all over the West, but didn’t make it any further than Bozeman.”
I gave Ty a wistful smile. I didn’t like talking about this part of my life. It was a painful time, but Ty deserved to know. I didn’t want it to come between us.
“After I kicked him out, he moved to Germany to be with her. The story goes, she was married. Her husband didn’t freak out about the extramarital activities like I did. Instead, he joined in.”
Ty half grunted, half laughed. “Go on.”
“Nate died of a blood clot that went to his lung, they think from flying. He’d just arrived in Hamburg the day before.”
“Ah, yes, hamburger.”
I laughed, remembering Bobby’s words. “Right. He was in bed with Annika and her husband and just died. Poof.”
“Holy crap.”
Ty placed a hand on my thigh and I felt his heat through the covers. “So you were married to an asshole. Do you still miss the bastard? Do you still?—”
“Love him?” I ran my fingers over Ty’s head, loving the feel of his soft hair. “After I kicked him out, I was sad. Depressed. Hormonal and nauseated for months. More angry than anything else. I filed for divorce. By the time Bobby was born, Nate had moved out of the country. Out of my life. But when he died, we were technically, legally still married. It’s hard to divorce a dead man. So I’m his widow, not his ex.”
Ty slid up the bed to kiss me on the mouth. A gentle, soft kiss.
I looked him in the eye. “Looking back, I’m not sure if I ever really loved him the way one should love their spouse. I’d been young. Naïve.”