Page 22 of I Will Break You
She clasps my hand and looks me dead in the eye. “I saw you yesterday. I know what you did.”
Alderney State Penitentiary,
Dear Amethyst,
I’m glad you enjoyed the photo. There are two groups of piercings: a Prince Albert around my cock head and a Jacob’s Ladder under my shaft. One of the guards tried to remove them during my admission, but I stopped him with a shank.
Thank you for elaborating on your somnophilia fantasy. Since you prefer to stay sleeping, then I would slip a sedative in your water. I would hide beneath the bed as you fell asleep and wait for your breathing to slow.
Once I’m sure you’ve succumbed to the drug, I’d crawl out from my hiding place and take in your slumbering form.
My heart would race with anticipation as I brush your hair aside, revealing the delicate curve of your neck. The pulse beneath your skin would quicken, knowing you’re completely at my mercy, and my cock would expand as I extract my knife.
I’d run the flat of my blade along the lace trim of your nightgown and slice it open. Every inch of your skin would be a revelation, and my mouth would water for a taste.
Answer my call on Wednesday morning if you want to know what I’d do next.
P.S. Now that you have my number, you can send me a video demonstrating exactly how much you loved my cock.
What the hell does Relaney think she knows? I’m so busy schooling my features into a mask of innocence that I let her disappear behind a beaded curtain.
Curiosity burns my chest, lighting up a fire that propels me through the dangling barrier. All plans to hunker down in her spare room ignite into ashes. Desperate for answers, I follow her into a space twice the size of my living room.
It’s unlit, save for candles on the right side of the room by the window, which stand on an altar among a carriage clock, crystal balls, and cards. In the middle of the room, four men sit on the floor around a circular table, each giving me wide-eyed stares. I glance to the left, where at least three queen-sized mattresses lie side by side, covered in cushions, clothes, comforters, and clutter.
If I wasn’t so preoccupied with finding out what Relaney saw last night, I’d wonder why she’s accommodating a quartet of men in her lounge when her house is so much larger than mine.
I take a step further into the room, too annoyed by her cryptic accusation to be bothered by her flock, and glare into the back of her head. It reminds me of a dandelion seed. “What is it you think I’ve done?”
She turns around, her long lashes fluttering. “Your podcast,”she replies, her voice echoing through the room. “Didn’t you try to save your killer’s soul? You failed, by the way. I could have done a better job.”
My brows pull together. Is she talking about my livestream or the video that went viral? I haven’t podcasted since before the execution.
“The background music you played as you read out from his final letter,” she adds, seeming to answer my unasked question. “It’s called Ode to a Sinner.”
“Oh.” I rub the back of my neck, trying not to broadcast my relief. Looks like she didn’t see me drag a dead body through the backyard. “That thing you said about saving Xero’s soul, is that even possible?”
She sweeps her hand toward the four men sitting around the table. “My acolytes and I will show you the way.”
“Are you a priestess or something?” I focus on the strangers.
She points at a broad-shouldered man who might be attractive beneath his long hair and scraggly beard. “That’s Chappy, who’s training to be a medium.” Then she gestures at a much smaller, red-haired man wearing thick black glasses. “Ezekiel’s third eye is already open.”
My gaze moves on to two tall, black-haired men who I’m sure are brothers. When she doesn’t introduce them, the larger of the pair raises a hand. “I’m Sparrow and this is Wilder.”
“Hi,” I say.
Relaney walks to the table, shoving the brothers aside, who both rise and stand against the wall. My brow furrows, but I don’t ask why she’s being so rude. Maybe she’s ignoring them because they’ve overstayed their welcome.