Page 204 of I Will Break You
“God isn’t in this crawlspace with us, but I’m about to make you pray for forgiveness.”
Tears burn my eyes, but I’m determined not to cry. I’ve never felt so sullied, never felt so stuffed.
“You’re taking this femur so well.”
“Fuck off,” I yell.
“I was going to rub your clit to help you along,” he growls into my ear. “But thanks to that little outburst, you’ll have to make do with the bone.”
“I hate you.”
“Say that again.” He pushes the bone deeper.
“I hate you!”
“I hate you too,” he says with so much affection that I wonder if he even understands the word.
He pushes the bone in and out, dragging its knobbly surfaceback and forth against my g-spot. Pressure builds up in my core, making me clench my teeth.
I don’t want to climax from a stranger’s remains. That would make me a necrophiliac. He’s the twisted pervert, not me.
“Please,” I rasp, the words coming out stuttered. “Touch me. Please.”
“What a transparent little ghost,” he says, his voice light with amusement. “Trying to hide the reason for your orgasm. When you think back about this moment, you’ll remember getting pleasure from this femur, not my fingers.”
His hateful words fill my ears, making them ring with shame. The pleasure intensifies, threatening to push me over the edge, but I refuse to give in to something so depraved.
“You could end this at any time by breaking through the zip ties, yet you won’t,” he says.
“I can’t.”
His hateful laugh makes me shiver. “Lie to yourself, little ghost, but you can’t lie to me. We ran through this exercise twice.”
I want to push my elbows apart, but I’m so close to orgasming that my body won’t cooperate. My mind is teetering on the brink of madness, fueled by a cocktail of ecstasy, denial, and shame.
My hips move without my permission in counterpoint to the bone, increasing the friction. Maybe I can allow myself a quiet orgasm, just so I can get my mind straight.
“Dirty little ghost. So eager to fuck that she’ll rut against a dry old femur.”
Heat surges through my veins, but I ignore his taunts. I want to snap the bone in half and stick it through his heart.
Pleasure builds and builds until it’s a roaring, raging storm in my core. A moan tears from my throat, and my hips buck violently, chasing every degrading sensation. An orgasm rips through me like a tsunami, tearing apart the woman I once was and replacing her with someone I barely recognize.
I gasp, my body convulsing with alternating waves of humiliation and rapture so intense that they border on pain.
“Filthy little girl,” Xero says, his voice mocking. “Did the sight of all those bones turn you on?”
I shake my head, wanting to deny his cruel accusation, butanother burst of pleasure steals my breath. My traitorous hips grind against the bone, drawing out the last dregs of sensation until I’m a shuddering heap of satisfaction and shame.
“How was it?” he asks, his voice laced with amusement.
“Better than your puny cock,” I snap back.
He rolls me onto my side and glares down into my eyes like he’s about to reap my soul. Light shines through his darkened hair, making him look otherworldly.
My heart pounds in my chest, a mix of fear, confusion, and a growing sense of shame.
“Did you think I’d allow anything in your pussy that didn’t belong to me?” he snarls.