Page 159 of I Will Break You
“Snuff movies,” Xero mutters. “I saw what you did with my execution.”
Paul’s mouth opens and closes, and I can tell he wants to know how Xero survived the electric chair. He seems to think better of asking and says, “The boss wanted to stage a sequel. There’s even a replica electric chair in the studio for her.”
My jaw drops. “But why me?”
Paul bows his head. “He’s been obsessed since you went viral. He won’t stop sending emails demanding where you’re located.”
“His name?” Xero asks.
Xero hisses through his teeth. “Where do I find him?”
“Do you know him?” I ask.
“Yes.” Xero turns to the smaller man and barks, “Where?”
As Paul rattles off an address on the other side of town, Xero sets down the severed penis and turns to where I’m huddled in the corner.
“Xero?” I whisper.
“Time to take down the asshole who wants to make you a snuff movie star.”
Delta could be anyone.
I won’t give in to false hope until I have more information.
For now, I’ll focus on Amethyst. Her performance during that interrogation was disappointing. She was hesitant, skittish, and squeamish. There was no sign of the girl who murdered her music teacher for the forced abortion, and not a trace of the young woman who plunged a knife into her attacker’s throat.
And absolutely not a peep from last night’s crazed beast I had to wrestle into submission.
I can’t work out if she has multiple personalities or reserves that darkness for moments of peril. Either way, she needs to bring out her inner demoness. Someone wants her to die on camera, and she can’t afford to remain demure.
Paul gives me more information about his organization. In addition to trafficking victims to make snuff movies, the patrons who subscribe to their membership site get the chance to vote on a selection of women they want to appear in upcoming productions.
Since they regularly broadcast footage from state executions, the boss decided to showcase Amethyst in a video that mirrored my death.
After injecting Paul and his cohorts with a sedative, I leavethem languishing in Dale’s blood and escort Amethyst back up the ladder. She trembles at my touch, as she should, because her inability to gain answers has earned her a punishment.
The moment we step out of the cupboard under the stairs, I scoop her into my arms and carry her into the little green room.
“What are you doing?” she asks.
“You failed your first lesson in interrogation,” I growl into her ear, my cock stirring at the prospect of having her at my mercy.
She thrashes in my arms, which only gets me hot. When I set her on her feet, she bolts toward the door. Her hands scramble over the new locking mechanism, which will only open with my fingerprints.
“Get on your knees,” I say, my voice deepening.
“No.” She whimpers, once again trying to shrink into the wall.
The lab coat conceals that slender waist, the curve of her hips, and the swell of her ass, and all I want to do is rip it to shreds.
“Do you know what happens to disobedient little ghosts?” I snarl.