Page 153 of I Will Break You
A thud from below shakes the house’s foundations, making me snap out of my musings. If I look at Amethyst for too long, I’ll fall into an endless loop of wondering if she sees me as a cash cow or her knight in bloody armor.
I want to make her suffer for breaking my heart. Make her cry tears of blood for ripping me open and baring my soul.
But first, I must save her life.
“Bitch about the ectoplasm later. We have four men to dissect.”
She backs toward the sofa and crosses her arms. “I can’t.”
I stride across the room and grab her wrist. “You can and you will,” I snarl. “Someone out there wants you captured or dead, and the only way to know what’s happening is to ask those four men.”
“Xero, I’m not a murderer.”
“Perhaps not.” I walk into the hallway, dragging her along. “First and foremost, you’re a liar.”
Another thud makes the floors tremble. I’m impressed the quartet are working so hard to break free, but they’re battering the wrong wall. I had the crawl space arranged so nobody but me and the operatives who built it know how to break out.
I continue down the hallway toward the cupboard under thestairs. It was originally a narrow space where she kept her mop, vacuum cleaner, and miscellaneous junk, but we created a hatch in the wooden floor that leads to a ladder to access a vestibule within the crawl space.
Amethyst has no choice but to follow, and I keep hold of her wrist while opening the cupboard door.
“What did you do to my house?” she snarls.
“I planned to stay down here during the day so I could come out at night and slowly drive you insane,” I reply. “After last night, I no longer have that luxury.”
There’s another thud from below, followed by frantic whispering. Good. They’re fully alert.
“Because you want to save my life?” she asks, her voice hopeful.
“Undecided. Nobody gets to torment you but me.” I press my foot on the lever that activates the trap door, making it spring open.
“Hey. Where are my mops?”
“No need for them when we have a cleaning crew.”
“You mean there’s more of you?” She pauses. “Of course there is. You told me as much in your letters.”
Letters she allowed to fall into another woman’s hands. I don’t rise to the bait, already having spent enough time subduing her. Instead, I pull Amethyst in front of me and gesture for her to go first.
“I can’t,” she whispers.
“Claustrophobic?” I ask, my brow rising.
She gives her head a vigorous shake, making those curls bounce. My heart thuds. She looks adorable with her face covered in my cum and her round tits straining through that flimsy camisole, but that beauty is deceptive, just like her twisted heart.
“Go.” I give her a gentle shove.
With a whimper, she descends the ladder, acting like I’m forcing her to walk the plank into shark-infested waters. I wait for her to reach the bottom before following her down into the vestibule. It’s a square chamber that lies flush against the dividing wall with number 11, with a trio of deep shelves complete with cardboard containers, designed to look like storage.
The last thing I want is for the assholes inside to look at my beautiful little Amethyst, so I extract a disposable lab coat from one of the boxes. “Put this on.”
“What for?”
“Just do it.”
While she covers up her delectable little body, I reach beneath one of the shelves and flip the switch that electrifies the door.