Page 46 of Gilded Kisses
His tight expression says he doesn’t entirely believe me. But that ever-present mischievous smile slithering across his lips says he hopes for more fight in me.
“I’m going to untie you. There are some things we have to take care of for you to stay here. And then we all need to talk. Agreed?”
Mirsha and Luther finally decide to work their way back into the room. Luther comes to stand at the side of the bed with a bottle of water and a cloth while Mirsha uses the doorway to hold himself upright.
Both look about as mean as the snake coiled around Viper’s shoulders, and that is just fine by me.
There are a lot of points I want to get across the second my lips can move. Tied up and gagged isn’t helping my cause. And really, what the fuck else am I going to do? If I keep fighting them, they will just leave me here.
A few tugs and I’m set free. I yank the gag out just in time to see a curvy, petite blonde Barbie walk in with kind eyes and not a single glance for any of the men. She pushes Mirsha out of the way and heads straight for me.
In some other world and an entirely different day, I think we would become fast friends. Her take-no-shit-despite-her-size attitude makes her BBF material.
She’s decked out in the cutest leather skirt and a sparkly top reveals big boobs and a tiny waist. Long blond hair dips to her hips and those thigh-high boots add some inches to her five-foot height.
She sticks out one hand while the other clutches a leather-bound book I remember signing the last time I was here. If I don’t sign, I can’t stay. The men will be forced to let me leave.
“Hi. Welcome to The Gilded Key Society. I’m Magnolia.” Southern charm winds around her words. Georgia, maybe. Savannah, I figure. Her eyes are only for me and the ropes tangling around my feet and hands. And let’s not forget the discarded tie.
“Do you need help? Are you okay? If club rules have been broken, I need to call management.”
The serious tone of her voice makes me peer over her shoulder to see if any men in black suits have barged into the room.
“Yeah, no. We’re good. Just some fun and games.” I want to be the one to kick their asses. I don't need any help in that department.
I toss my bindings off my wrists and throw my legs over the side of the bed.
I take her hand and instantly know she is way too soft for a place like this. She must have someone or a lot ofsomeonesguarding her around the clock. “Magnolia, right?”
She nods and Mirsha goes back to leaning his Herculean shoulders on the dark door frame again. The way he crosses his arms pulls nicely at the expensive cotton of his shirt. Memories of all those muscles holding me close are only a tug away.
But, no.
Eyes to yourself, missy.I can’t go down the road of wishful thinking.
To keep from passing out, I slowly push to my feet and wait a couple of beats before taking a step toward the bedroom door.
Luther and Viper reach out to steady me and her attention zeroes in on how they take my elbow, without taking control over me. I notice it and file that away to analyze later. When I am back in Chicago kicking my cousin’s ass and then finding a way to free myself from marrying Joseph Romanov.
Ugh, acid reflux is strong with that name.
I point to the book in Magnolia’s hand. “If you’re here for me to sign that thing, you are wasting your time. I won’t be staying. I’ve been here before. It didn’t go well. Believe it or not, these three left me where I stood, so I’m kinda not so thrilled about getting dumped again.”
Pink lips flatline in anger for me, I assume. “I see.”
No, she doesn’t, but I don’t have the energy or desire to rehash past events. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I won’t be staying long. In fact, I’ll be leaving now. Can someone call me a cab?”
Magnolia puckers her perfectly painted pink lips, obviously perplexed by my refusal. I mean, Luther, Viper and Mirsha have lines of women wanting a chance at them. I’ve witnessed it. To her, I must be crazy to walk away. That and I’m sure Magnolia doesn’t get unwilling participants often.
“I can. Come with—” she starts before being cut off.
“And where will you go? Back to your husband-to-be? I’m sure your father will have no problem holding the same gun to your head while he makes sure you say your vows.”
Rumbling thunder punctuates Mirsha’s words before reaching out to rattle the glass doors behind the thick, black drapes. That’s right. I remember there’s more than one way out of this box.
Acid pours over Mirsha’s taunt to bubble and fester in my mind.
I mimic his stance and cock a hip. “As a matter of fact, yes, godfather. I can handle my own. I didn’t want to come here any more than you wanted me to come. I am only darkening your door because of my idiot cousin. I need to get back to Chicago.” How else will I kill Joseph and claim freedom once and for all? As much as I hate to admit it, I see no other option than to take out a contract on the man and Harlon owes me at least that much. I wanted to operate the undertaker floor of Genesis, not be a client, but life has a funny way of changing directions on you.