Page 31 of Mixing Drinks For Tipsy Weasels
Somethingabout the Rupert in front of me is off. I think it's the nerves. I'm not sure what's on his mind, but it's clearly serious enough to be making him anxious. I want to soothe him, but with so many years of not talking, I don't actually know the best way to do that.
We head to the end of the bar, and I hop up on one of the seats, while he leans on the counter next to me. One of the bartenders appears within moments.
"Hi," Rupert says. "Can I have a coke and..."
"A virgin daiquiri, please," I add.
"Definitely no alcohol in that," Rupert stresses.
"Got it," the bartender says, going off to make our drinks.
"Sorry, I just didn't want a repeat of the incident at the tasting."
"That's okay," I respond. "I haven't had any problems like that tonight, luckily. Everything has been booze-free and Erica approved."
He chuckles, but there's still an edge to it.
The bartender reappears and sets our drinks down in front of us without much fanfare, while Rupert gets out his card to pay.
"I can get these," I protest.
"You can get the next ones," he responds, tapping his card against the machine and waiting for it to beep.
I pull my daiquiri towards me and take a sip, relieved that it doesn't taste as if it's got alcohol in it. It wouldn't be a massive deal if it was wrong, but it's better that it isn't.
"So, what's up?" I ask Rupert once the bartender has left us alone.
He takes a deep breath and runs a hand through his hair. "Okay, so I'm not really sure where to start with this."
"The beginning is normally good."
"What did your succubus friend tell you?" he blurts out.
I frown. "Mandy?"
"I don't know her name," he admits sheepishly. "Sami just told me what she was."
"Yeah, that's Mandy. We just talked about how the exam went." I don't like lying to him, but I don't want to repeat any of what Mandy and Darius said in case it makes him feel as if he has to act on it when he doesn't want to. That's not fair to either of us.
"You seem disappointed?"
"I am, I guess." He takes a shaky breath. "Sami pointed out that my feelings towards you might not be entirely friendly in nature."
I can't help the disappointment that wells up within me. "I thought we'd put the past behind us."
"What? Yes, we have. Of course we have."
"Then why can't we be friends?"
He groans. "I'm doing this all wrong."
"I can't comment on that seeing as I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do," I point out.
"I want to go on a date," he blurts out.