Page 4 of Serving Her Sentence
The doctor winked at her, which did nothing to soothe her. “Trust me, you'll be grateful for it later.”
The “plug” the nurse gave to Dr. Blaine was an intimidating black color, about four inches long, and about an inch in diameter at the thickest part of the bulb, much bigger than the doctor's finger. Noelle stared at it in horror as the doctor quickly spread a thin layer of lubricant on it.
It's still smaller than a cock....
The thought was not at all encouraging or reassuring.
When the doctor pressed the tip against her puckered hole, she couldn't stop from instinctively tightening against it... which only made the pressure more intense. The plug pushed in, narrower than his finger at first but quickly widening, and Noelle cried out, jerking against the restraints as the burning discomfort increased. Pumping the plug, he pushed it deeper with each thrust, forcing her hole a little wider each time.
“Please! It's too big!” she protested, straining as she uselessly tried to pull away from the unwanted intrusion.
Dr. Blaine just chuckled. “I'm quite sure you'll soon have bigger things in there. Now, be a good girl, it's almost all the way in.”
He pushed, and Noelle cried out as her sphincter was forced open for the thickest part of the bulb. It felt like a sharp pinch... then it was over. At least the movement was. Her hole tightly gripped the groove between the bulb and the base, trying to close fully but unable to. She felt incredibly, uncomfortably full and far more aware of that part of her body than she'd ever been in her life.
Panting for breath, she felt like she couldn't get enough air in her lungs. Anal sex was going to be horrible. All she could do was hope whoever bought her wouldn’t be interested.
Exactly who do you think is coming to this auction? Prince Charming?
The sarcastic voice in her head only made Noelle feel even stupider.
You signed up for this, remember? Short sentence, lots of money at the end. Just get through it, that’s all you have to do.
“Very good. She's all yours, Nurse Stacey,” Dr. Blaine said, giving Noelle's pussy a pat as if she was a good dog. With the way she was panting, she couldn't even protest the comparison.
Anxiety, fear, and a sense of impending doom rose as the nurse stepped forward to undo Noelle's restraints. The exam was over.
The auction was next.
Underneath the silky robe—which wasallshe was wearing—Noelle’s skin felt extra-sensitive, and her nipples had hardened to little points, clearly visible through the white, translucent material. Each brush of the robe against any part of her body made her more and more sensitized. With each step she took, the plug moved, and her body clenched around it. She'd gotten used to the feeling of fullness, and it no longer hurt, but she definitely wouldn't call it comfortable.
After her examination by Dr. Blaine, Nurse Stacey had taken her to be primped. Her hair had been brushed to a shiny golden wave of silk, pulled back from her face, just enough she wouldn't be able to hide any of her expressions from the cameras, then left loose to hang down her back. Makeup had been applied, keeping her mostly natural-looking except for a thick layer of mascara that made the cornflower blue of her eyes pop.
Sitting on the plug throughout the process had made her squirm, and her pussy was slicker than ever, the lips rubbing against each other as she walked down the hall. She wanted to die of shame because she couldn’t understand how she’d become so aroused in such a situation. Shouldn’t she be terrified? Anxious? Nauseous?
Truthfully, she was all that, but somehow, even her nervousness contributed to the rising sexual tension in her body. There was something wrong with her. This shouldn’t be exciting her. Had the doctor given her something? Had there been something smeared on the plug to make her body have this reaction? It was the only reasonable, logical explanation she could think of. She shouldn’t—couldn’t—be aroused.
Nurse Stacey brought her to a halt outside a nondescript door. Noelle stared at it, breathing more rapidly as her hands went clammy.
“Noelle White, you understand you are about to be sold at auction to enter sexual service for the period of one year as recompense for your crimes?” Nurse Stacey asked in a brisk, official tone. Noelle knew her responses would be recorded as proof of her consent.
She could turn back now. Accept the longer sentence. Lose ten years of her life.
I can do anything for one year.
“Yes,” she whispered. Her heart felt as though it leapt into her throat as she forced the word out.
“You understand the proceeds from the auction will first go to pay back the amount you stole and only then be split between you and the state, and you will not receive your portion of the funds until such time as you have completed your sexual service sentence?”
“Yes,” she whispered again, pressing her thighs together. She could swear her nipples were getting harder, swelling and aching to be touched. The doctorhadto have done something to her. This was not a normal reaction.
“You understand your service may include physical discipline, up to but not exclusive to spanking, flogging, whipping, etc., and you will receive a weekly medical and therapeutic visit to ensure you are not actually harmed by your sentence.”
“Yes.” Her whisper was even softer, her body tightening as images flashed through her mind.