Page 28 of Serving Her Sentence
Agony burst in her other breast, the underside burning to match its twin. She sobbed when Damian’s hands lifted to squeeze the welted flesh. Her nipples screamed from the confines of their clamps as his hot palms rubbed over her welts, sending a fresh jolt of anguish through her. It felt like salt in a wound as he squeezed and plumped her breasts, his thrusts coming harder and faster, using the tortured mounds as leverage to ravage her ass.
“Last one.”
The hands left her breasts.
The agony she’d felt before was nothing compared to what exploded through her now, the whip coming across both nipples at once. She wasn’t even sure if it hit her nipples or the clamps on them, but it didn’t matter. The pain was so intense, she thought she might faint. Only the cock still thrusting into her ass kept her from slumping over. After a few long moments, the worst of it passed, leaving her panting and writhing as the throbbing pain transmuted to a hot pleasure.
Noelle's own orgasm inexplicably grew in her core, the tension winding about her and pulling tighter and tighter.
“Ready?” Sean’s voice brought her back to reality, and she opened eyes she hadn’t realized she’d closed, looking up at him through her tears as Damian shifted behind her. Completely naked, muscles on full display, Sean crouched slightly to pick up her legs and drape them over his arms, and behind her, Damian bore some of her weight. Noelle’s eyes widened when she felt Sean’s cock prod at her pussy, and she realized what they intended.
“No! Wait! You can’t—” Her voice cut off with a shrill cry, forced out of her by Sean’s hard thrust into her pussy.
The two cocks jostled for space inside of her, separated only by a thin lining, filling her completely. She couldn’t get in a real breath of air, she was so full ofthem. Damian’s cock pulled out, then shoved back in at the same time Sean’s began to retreat.
Noelle bounced between the pistoning cocks going in and out of her, alternating back and forth like a machine. It was a sensory overload of pure ecstasy, interspersed with jarring pricks of pain as her clamped nipples and welted breasts were squeezed and pressed against Sean’s chest. Her holes clenched around them, trying to hold them still as her clit swelled in needy expectation.
“Please… I can’t… oh, please…” Noelle was hanging by her wrists, held up only by their hands, their cocks, and it was all too much. She felt like she was losing her mind. Every time she thought they couldn’t possibly surpass the level of depravity, of ecstasy they had pushed her to before, they proved her wrong.
It was heaven and hell, and she was glutted on the sensations. Tears slid down her cheeks as her cries became wordless shrieks of erotic anguish. The men were reaching their peaks as well, pumping in and out of her with less control, sending her senses reeling.
When they both shoved into her, hard and deep, filling her completely again, Noelle spiraled wildly out of control as her climax consumed her. She was burning up to a cinder, and at the end of it, she didn’t think there would be anything left—she no longer cared if there was.
11 Months Later
On her knees, which were spread open to provide the perfect view of her pussy to her Master, head down as she gazed at the floor, Noelle quickly sank into the proper mindset. It often felt as though there were two of her these days—Noelle, the model employee, a confident go-getter, and an ambitious career woman and the other Noelle, her Master’s good slut and Sir’s pretty pain toy. Shifting from the first to the second was easy.
Shifting back, there were times when she almost resented having to do so, but it was necessary. Her time with Master and Sir was almost over—this was her last night with them. Tomorrow, she would be set free, her debt paid to Society, and a hell of a lot richer than when she’d first been sentenced.
I can do anything for a year.
The words whispered through her mind like a long-forgotten memory resurfacing.
It had been the truth.
For one year, she had been Master’s little slut. The only part of her body which he’d been possessive of was her ass—not even Sir had fucked her there. Neither of them was shy about sharing her services with her Master’s employees; in fact, they’d seemed to enjoy watching her being used as a reward before reclaiming her for themselves.
“What do you think, Sean?” Master asked as though he didn’t already know exactly what he wanted to do to her. Noelle didn’t believe that for one moment, but she also knew not to question. He wasn’t speaking for his benefit, but for hers, heightening her anticipation. “Should we do something that ensures my little slut will remember us for weeks to come after this?”
Noelle’s ass clenched around her plug, her pussy quivering in anticipation of whatever vicious torment they had planned for her. She no longer tried to deny the truth. Shewantedthe ruthless depravity they bestowed. Dr. Joyce had begun to worry about Noelle, and she didn’t even know the half of it.
It didn’t matter, though. One last time, then she could pick up the pieces of her life again. Shift entirely back into the first Noelle, leaving being Master and Sir’s fuck toy behind. The idea of having aches and pains to remember them by appealed.
“Hell, yes.” Standing behind her, Sir reached down to grope Noelle’s breast, pinching her nipple in a firm grip that sent a rush of eager pleasure through her body, despite the sharp pain. Her pussy creamed in anticipation. “I think we should pierce these pretty nipples, don’t you?”
Noelle’s mouth went dry, her heart starting to race, but she was too well trained to move even an inch, much less protest. Piercings weren’t harmful, nor were they permanent, and therefore, fell under ‘allowed.’ But they were also something that could stay with her, long after any welts or bruises healed—a secret little voice inside her cheered.
“I think that would be perfect. Why don’t you get her laid down on the table?” Master moved toward the cabinet, where he must have put the necessary equipment. They had bought it just for her. A little thrill fluttered through her chest at the knowledge. Noelle was intimately familiar with every single item in this room, and there hadn’t been any piercing equipment before.
Sir strapped her down to the leather table, the soft, familiar feel of its cushion beneath her helping to calm her nerves. It didn’t matter that a part of her was already eagerly anticipating both the pain and the piercing itself, she was still nervous. With her legs, arms, torso, and head secure, Master moved back into her field of vision, his dark eyes full of heat and sadistic glee. On the other side of her, Sir moved into position next to her chest, a similar look in his eyes.
It was all far more clinical than she had expected. In her imagination, Sir pinched and sucked her nipples to hardness before Master put the needle through. In actuality, they both donned gloves, and while they did pinch her nipples to hardness, it felt very odd with the gloves. Then Sir wiped her nipples with alcohol, and they marked where they wanted the piercing to go.
Through it all, Noelle focused on breathing evenly and trying not to wriggle too much as both her arousal and her trepidation grew. The clamp they put on her right nipple didn’t hurt nearly as much as those she was used to, not even when Sir gripped it tightly while Master bent over her with the needle.