Page 25 of Serving Her Sentence
The first visit with her therapist was… confusing. Mostly because she didn’t know what she was supposed to be thinking or feeling. Admitting some of what she actually did think and feel when Damian and Sean were doing painful, but erotic things to her was embarrassing.
“Do you feel resentment toward either of them?” Dr. Joyce asked, peering over her gold-rimmed spectacles. In her early thirties, Dr. Joyce seemed both open and sympathetic, which should have made Noelle feel more comfortable, but she still struggled to express herself.
“No? I mean… sometimes at the moment, maybe.” Noelle pressed her lips together for a moment. That was probably not the right thing to say. She was being punished, she had done the wrong, and she had chosen to put herself in this position. “I chose this, though, so it seems pointless to resent them. I might as well resent myself.”
“And do you resent yourself?”
“I… no. I didn’t want to lose more than a decade of my life. I figured I can put up with anything for a year.”
Dr. Joyce smiled, a kind of coaxing smile. She really was very pretty when she smiled. “It’s been a week now; do you still feel that way?”
“Yes?” The word came out more like a question, and Noelle fidgeted for a moment before firmly nodding her head. “Yes. I… it’s not all bad.” Some of it was wonderful, in fact. Explosively pleasurable. Noelle hadn’t known she could have orgasms like the ones Damian and Sean gave her.
Sometimes, Sean had even cuddled with her afterward, although he was just as likely to walk off and leave her with Damian. But he did cuddle. Damian did not, which made her crave it.
Which probably wasn’t healthy.
“What parts do you like the most?”
Crap. This was supposed to be punishment. She wasn’t supposed to like it, right?
“Don’t worry about the fact you liked it,” Dr. Joyce said as if she could read Noelle’s mind. “This year is supposed to be about repaying your debt to society since the financial debt will be repaid as soon as this year is over. That doesn’t mean you have to be miserable the entire time—in fact, it’s better if you’re not. We want to be able to reintegrate you back into society as a productive and law-abiding member after this.”
“Right.” Truthfully, Noelle couldn’t imagine getting back to her old tricks after this. For one, the amount of money she’d be receiving, even after paying back the Biggs Corporation and splitting the remainder with the government, was far more than she’d ever intended to take from Biggs. She wouldn’t have to work unless she wanted to, and she would still be able to afford everything she’d ever wanted.
The thrill of taking the money and getting one over on her employers would be gone, but somehow, that thrill paled to the sexual ones Damian and Sean bestowed on her.
“Good, then. I’ll see you again at this time next week.” Dr. Joyce smiled, standing and shaking Noelle’s hand before walking out the door. Sean was waiting outside and came in as soon as Dr. Joyce was gone. Still standing there, wearing the yoga pants and t-shirt she’d put on for the appointment, Noelle looked up at him mutely.
“Good session?”
“I… yes, I think so.” Noelle shifted back and forth on her feet in front of him. Just like yesterday, when she’d gone to the spa, it felt almost odd to be wearing normal clothes in front of him.
“Good, let’s go get you dressed, then we’ll head into work. Damian has an employee he wants to reward with you.”
And just like that, any peace she’d found talking to Dr. Joyce was thrown into turmoil.
* * *
“Noelle, do you remember Brian?”Damian asked casually, waving his hand at the man sitting in front of him. Noelle stood to the side of Damian’s desk, where Sean had left her, feeling awkward, the only one on her feet, but she wasn’t going to ask for a chair. “You met him last week.”
That was a rather interesting way of describing the actual events, but Noelle didn’t protest, just nodded her head. Her eyes darted to the young man. In his twenties, he was handsome enough, but without the kind of presence, both Damian and Sean had. Next to them, he looked too young, slender despite his muscles, and would have blended into the background except…
Except Sean had already told her she was going to be his ‘reward.’ Rather than explaining what that meant when Noelle had asked, Sean had told her she clearly needed something to do with her mouth and had put her on her knees in front of him for a blowjob on the way to the office. After he came, he tugged her up onto his lap and held her against his chest while he continued working on his phone. Noelle had snuggled silently into his strong arms, tasting the saltiness of his cum on her tongue and thinking about very little at all.
Now she was faced with the reality—Damian wanted to share her services with someone else. Part of her was outraged, even knowing this had been a possibility, but only a very small part, almost as if she only felt that way because she knew she was expected to.
“Yes, Ma-Sir.” She had started to say Master but switched mid-word. They were at work, after all.
Damian just chuckled. “I am your Master, both at home and here, Noelle.” His dark gaze turned to her expectantly.
“Yes, M-Master,” she replied, only stammering a little as her cheeks heated in a blush. Her pussy quivered, and she felt the plug in her ass shift. She had become so used to the plug, she almost never noticed it anymore unless her muscles tightened around it as they had just done.
Brian was watching with round, interested eyes, his curiosity making the whole scene even more shameful. There was already a large bulge at the front of his pants. Noelle wanted to scream at Damian to get this over with. Unfortunately, he seemed to be enjoying himself at Noelle’s expense.
“Well, Brian here has ensured this quarter’s sales will be our best ever with the team he just headed. I think that deserves a reward, don’t you?”
“Yes, Master.” The answer came almost by rote now. It wasn’t as if she could give any other reply.