Page 30 of Hunger (Forbidden Fantasies 6)
I stare into the audience, squinting a bit while looking for his large form. He’s probably trying to catch my eye, but I don’t see him. I know he’s coming though. We talked on the phone yesterday and he assured me he’d be here.
Exhaling deeply, I look around. The graduates are sitting in white folding chairs spaced six feet apart at the front, and there are about a hundred of us. My classmates fidget and wave to their friends and family, even if everyone’s still a bit subdued.
I can’t believe that after today, I’ll probably never see half of these people again because we’re starting new lives. Even the ones who stick around will probably leave eventually. I know Michelle Williams and Tucker Spat already have plans to move up to Boise because there are more jobs there.
“So, Britney,” a voice says from behind me.
I jump and turn to find my friend Taylor. Her gown looks exactly like mine, but her mortarboard is insane. Mine simply says ‘We did it!’ in white letters, while hers a full art piece with glitter, puffy paint, a flower or two, and an intricately braided tassel. It makes sense that Taylor is going to art school in Massachusetts in the fall.
“Hey girl. What’s up with you?”
“Where’s your mystery man?” she asks, waggling her eyebrows. “I can’t wait to meet him.”
I laugh. Taylor is a good friend and one of the few people I’ve told about my boyfriend, although I haven’t shared many details.
“He’s probably outside. They’re letting everyone in slowly, after temperature checks.”
She winks.
“Just making sure. I thought maybe he was a teacher.”
I roll my eyes. “Come on, Taylor. You know I’d never do that.”
She pretends mock surprise.
“Who knows, girlfriend? Lots of people were acting out during the pandemic, and I even heard that Mary Applebaum dated Mr. Crain and Coach Judson. Normally, these three people wouldn’t even look at one another, but everyone’s desperate.”
I grin at her.
“Well, I’m not that desperate, and yes, John is coming tonight. You’ll meet him, and all will be revealed.”
She winks.
“So mysterious. You’re loving that we don’t know who he is.”
I nod smugly.
“I do love it.”
Our other friend, Victoria, comes over and throws her arm around my neck before chiming in.
“Six feet, girlfriend!” I say in mock horror. Victoria just giggles and drops her arm.
“I couldn’t help but overhear. You’ve never been secretive before, Britney. I’m surprised you didn’t tell us who he is straightaway.”
They’re right, and this secret has been hard to keep. But it’s time because I have good news to share, and I want John to be the first to know. But my girlfriends are still waiting with sassy looks in their eyes, and I let out an exaggerated sigh.
“I feel like we’ve been building up to this big reveal, and now, you’ll both be disappointed.”
Taylor and Victoria shake their heads and then put their arms around me, with me in the middle of their sandwich.
“We won’t be disappointed, Britney. We love you,” sings Taylor.
“Love makes the world go round,” echoes Victoria.
I giggle.
“I love you guys, too, and I never would’ve survived high school without you guys.”
Victoria laughs. “Please, I would have dropped out years ago if it weren’t for you nerds.”
Tay laughs too.
“Same. Your help with my homework when all I wanted to do was paint is the only reason I passed. What am I going to do without you guys?”
Tears pool in my eyes because we’re all heading in different directions now. Taylor is going to Massachusetts for art school, and Victoria is moving to Washington D.C. She wants to be a lawyer, so it’s only fitting she travels to the nation’s capital for college.
But the girls give me another reassuring hug.
“We’ll be fine. First, Britney’s going to get a smartphone because it’s ridic that you’re still using that piece of plastic. Second of all, it’ll be just like quarantine. We’ll talk every day, no matter what.”
I smile.
“You guys are right. It won’t be so bad. I’ll just miss you both.”
“We have summer still, silly. Don’t be down. We don’t leave until August.”
I nod and we smile at one another, treasuring this moment. Suddenly, Principal Tracy’s voice cuts through the air.
“Hello, hello, is this on? Everyone, take your seats please. Let’s get this ceremony going!”
A buzz of excitement passes through the graduates, and we sit in the folding chairs as expected. I’m near the front because of my speech, and try not to twist around too many times to look for John. Friends and family are taking their seats in the back of the auditorium now, but I don’t see him. How odd.
I already know Joey’s not coming because he has to work and he couldn’t find someone to take his shift. So really, John is my only support today. But I can’t find him. There are too many people here, and I must be missing him. But I know he’ll be here no matter what because he always has my back.