Page 110 of For Better or Hearse
“You can count on it.”
Behind Ash, his father’s gesturing frantically. If there’s one thing Don can’t miss, it’s golf.
Nathaniel blows out a frustrated breath. “I have to go.”
Ash grabs the strap of his golf bag before he can walk away. Yanks it backward so sharply he almost lands on his ass. He catches himself. Spins.
She pulls him against her. In her eyes, fire. “Kill you later.”
His gaze falls to her lips, then lowers.
Her boots.
“Hold on,” he says, and he hits his knees.
For a long minute, Ash is stunned speechless. She blinks down at him.
Eagerly, he slides a hand over her slim calf and looks up at her.
“Watching you nearly die every day is fucking killing me,” he growls, tightening her laces. He takes his time. Lets his gaze travel up those long legs. Beneath her short skirt. To the faint dampness of arousal on the inside of her thighs.
Christ. Instantly, his dick’s hard as a rock.
He loops her last lace, then looks up. “There.”
“My hero,” she quips. Her words are clipped. But her face is flushed. Her eyes wild.
He’s still trying to figure out how this woman made him go from emotionally unavailable to having feelings and tying her goddamn boots in the middle of a hotel lobby in front of his entire family and a handful of strangers.
One thing’s for certain.
He doesn’t care.
Not one goddamn bit.
Nathaniel watches his grandfather quietly. The older man is tired. Putting on a good front, a show for his family. But he sits in the cart at all greens. Resting.
With a long breath out, Nathaniel wipes a towel down his sweaty face. Then he tosses it into the back of the cart. He joins his grandfather, settling in the driver’s seat. Before he can say a word, Augustus says, “Something on your mind?”
Ash. She’s on his mind. Between his backswing and his pitch shot, he’s been driving himself crazy thinking of her. He’s an asshole for turning her loose with his mother and sister.
“Have you been enjoying the trip, Grandpops?”
“I have.” Augustus nods. “I admit, the start was a bit rough, but it’s been better than I expected.”
Because of Ash, Nathaniel thinks.
He reaches into his pocket. Inside, he rolls the rock Ash gave him at Rainbow Falls between his fingers. It’s just a rock, yet it feels like so much more.
They watch as Don, at the ninth hole, manhandles his club.
Augustus scoffs. Crosses his arms over his chest and leans back. “Might as well give him a baseball bat.”
An easy bark of laughter escapes Nathaniel.
“I want to tell you something,” Augustus says, turning to him. “And only you.”
Nathaniel tenses, but he keeps his mouth shut. Gives his full attention.