Page 43 of Alpha Varsity
It’s just biology, my logical brain insists.He doesn’t care.
But this took thought. Asher came back in the middle of the night or while I was in the shower this morning. He had to get up early, go to the store, buy food, and bring it here. He does care.
Even angry. Even hating me for what I did, he still cares about my well-being.
My stomach growls again. I uncap the milk with shaky fingers and start guzzling it down, desperate for the calories and the protein. I start to look for scissors or a knife to open the package of bacon, and then my wolf takes over. I rip the stiff plastic open with my fingers.Easily!My shifter strength is returning.
There’s no time to fry the bacon, so I press four pieces between several folded paper towels and microwave them while I fry four eggs in a pan and make a quick meat and cheese sandwich for lunch.
The whole time there’s a warmth in my chest that won’t go away.
Some of that heaviness that’s been in my limbs for ages is gone. And it’s not just about the wolf strength. It’s emotional.
I tear up again. I haven’t had that sense of connectedness in such a long time.
Humans aren’t like pack. I had friends in college–lots. But I had to keep my guard up, I couldn’t reveal my secret to anybody, and that made me shun close relationships. I stayed in groups. I didn’t get tight with any one person.
That’s probably why I chose such a self-involved guy as Andy as my fuck-boy in the first place. I needed someone who would never look too closelyat me.
Artist-me slams a wall down on the emotion.
I can’t get stuck in Wolf Ridge. Wolf life is not my future–I belong in the cityfor my art.
Wolf-me ignores all that. I grab the bacon from the microwave, crush it into the eggs, and eat straight from the skillet.
The whole time, there’s a wag in my tail.
And since Andy crossed my mind, I decide to follow up on that gallery meeting. I shoot him a text.
When are you coming? Any luck getting me a meeting?
He texts back,
Next week. I got a pimp suite at a resort. Can’t wait to see you in a bikini.
Oh. Ew. Ugh.
Not happening
I text back.
I’m seeing someone here.
I have to tell him I’m not available. Asher and I have an agreement. He’s not my boyfriend, but we have an undeniable biological bond. Even if I was interested in screwing Andy–which I’m absolutely not–I can’t mess with nature. Asher’s wolf believes I belong to him, which means he would fight any other male to the death over me.
Whatevs. We were always free and easy.
I said not happening. Can you get me an intro or not?
I don’t know, I was thinking of a favors for favors kind of trade.