Page 7 of Devil's Sinner
I pulled on my ropes. I had done that so many times that my wrists had scabs where they had bled. It was no use. I didn’t have that much strength when I had all of it.
“Please…” I hated to beg him. I had no choice. “Please let me go.”
“Is that what you want?” I could hear him take a step closer, and then he put a hand on my hip. “Do you want me to cut these ropes off your wrists?”
“Y-yes…” I tried to nod, but my neck and shoulders are so sore my head barely moves.
“Will you fall on your knees and open that sweet mouth for me?” He leaned closer. “And keep it open until I give you permission to close it?”
My sundered thoughts tried to sayyes, because it would mean my torment had come to an end, but it was so revolting that I couldn’t.
“No.” My lips practically betrayed me when they denied his request.
“Then you must not want to be free.” Connor removed his hand from my hip and took a step back. “You must not want water, food or clothes. Just think how nice a warm blanket would feel right now. All you would have to do is give me a warm place to put my cock.”
“Never!” I snapped my words against my teeth, and it felt like that simple action saps most of the strength that was left inside me.
“Then you’ll stay here.” He ground out with disdain in his voice. “You’ve only been here two days. How will you feel after four? Five? Aweek?”
“Your plan…” I attempted to spit, but there was no saliva in my mouth. “Your plan is to leave me here until I die?”
“If it comes to that.” His footsteps echoed and I could tell he was walking towards the door. “Giving your body to me is how you’ll show gratitude. Your suffering will end when you sign your name on another contract. One that voids the contract you made with Devlin. One that makes youmine.”
“How would I even do that?” I asked.
“Call it a breach. He promised to get your father out of prison. He’s not going to fulfill his end of the bargain, but I will.” The door creaked as he pulled on it.
“I’ll never sign another contract.” I tried to shake my head again with the same futile result. “I’ll never be owned by anyone again.”
“We’ll see about that, won’t we Violet?” He laughed and then the door slammed shut. “I believe, in time, that you will learn to call meMasterwith a lot more enthusiasm than Devlin ever heard from those lips.”
He was wrong, but I didn’t have the strength to argue.
The hint of light that was on the edge of my blindfold disappeared. I was once again in absolute darkness. For how long? I had no idea. If I had only been two days that felt like an eternity, two more might feel like an actual death sentence.
I couldn’t give in to Connor, no matter how much he tortured me. He hadn’t taken what he wanted because his intention was to get me to sign a contract.
I made that mistake once.
I’d never do it again.
Even if it killed me.
Chapter 3
Iwokeup,withmy head still attached to my body, but it hurt so bad I couldn’t see straight.
“Mother fucker.” I pushed myself up from the ground, then realized I didn’t recognize my surroundings. “Peterson, where are you, you son of a bitch!?”
There was no response.
As my vision cleared, I began to see why.
It was dark. I was in some sort of wooded area. I couldn’t see a road or even a trail.
My suit jacket was gone. My shoes and socks were gone. The shirt I was wearing had been ripped open in several spots. My pants were dirty, but mostly in-tact. Unfortunately, I didn’t seem to have my wallet, cell phone, car keys, or anything else that was in my pockets when I stormed into Connor’s house.