Page 3 of Devil's Sinner
Chapter 1
MyrageresonatedasI ran to my car.
“Give me the fucking keys!” I yelled, glaring at Jasper. “Now!”
“Sir, don’t you think it would be best if I went with you?” He showed obvious concern.
“You don’t want to be part of this, Jasper.” I growled. “Trust me.”
Where would he take Violet?
His office? His estate? Neither of those seemed like good options, but I needed somewhere to start, so I chose his office. If nothing else, they should know where he was.
I didn’t bother to park my car when I got there. I drove across the sidewalk, and would have put my car straight through the front door if I could have, but there were stairs in the way. I left the engine running and rushed into the building.
It was full of office workers. Connor’s minions. A few of them I recognized from Cabot Enterprises, which meant Connor had wasted no time taking what he could now that his father-in-law was in prison.
“Where the fuck is your boss?” I grabbed the person closest to me by the shirt, a thin looking guy who was short enough for me to lift off his feet with ease. “Tell me, right this instant, or you’re going to bleed!”
“My, uh, sir! My boss is over there, in his office!” His face paled as he pointed.
I looked, but it wasn’t Connor’s office. It belonged to some middle manager. Actually, I knew him. Jon Ashton. He used to work for my father before we caught him doing lines of cocaine in the bathroom when he was supposed to be meeting with a client.
Connor surrounded himself with real winners, it seemed.
I let go of the man I was holding and stormed into Jon’s office, slamming the door hard enough for him to jump to his feet.
“What the fuck?” His eyes got wide as he realized who was on the other side of his desk. “Devlin! Uh, Mr. Windsor!”
“Where’s Connor?” I didn’t bother to go around his desk. Instead, I kicked it hard enough to crash into Jon and knock him back to the wall. “Speak up! The next kick will break a few ribs.”
There was panic in Jon’s eyes as he spoke. “He left this morning and said he was going home to see his wife. There was some sort of emergency. That’s all I know, I swear.”
“For your sake, he better be there, or I’ll be back.” I glared at Jon long enough for him to get the message and acknowledge it with a few nods before leaving.
When I left his office, there were two security guards approaching. I was itching for a fight, but they were in the way of me getting to Violet, so I simply straightened my jacket.
“I’m leaving.” I growled. “If either one of you puts a hand on me, I’ll break it.”
“If you’re leaving, then we’ll just escort you out.” The larger one said. “That’s all.”
“It better be.”
The two of them stepped to the side and I walked past them. They fell in line behind me, as if they were actually doing something heroic and responsible for my exit.
If Jon hadn’t spoken up so fast, they would have gotten the fight they were expecting. They were lucky that finding Violet was more important that getting this rage out of my system, or I’d beat the fuck out of them anyway.
I saved all of that for Connor.
I got back in my car and drove to his lavish estate on the outskirts of the city. My pulse was racing. My heart was beating hard in my chest. I was worried about Violet. Worried what that monster would do to her.
I just hoped I wasn’t too late.
Luckily, Connor’s estate didn’t have security gates to keep me from entering the property. Not that it would have stopped me. I drove into the driveway, hopped out of my car, and rapidly pressed the doorbell until I heard someone on the other side.
The door opened and I saw a maid who looked rather frightened.