Page 28 of Devil's Sinner
“Why don’t you show her?” Winter pushed her legs apart. “I’m sure she’d like to see how good you can be. Maybe that’ll ease some of her concerns about what you’re going to do to her after the contract is signed.”
“As you wish, Mistress.” Connor moved his hand to Winter’s thigh.
“Your tongue, boy.” Winter slapped his hand. “I have toys that are better than your filthy fingers.”
I scooted as far as I could to my side of the car as Connor crammed his frame into the floorboard between the seats. It was a large car, but not nearly big enough for him to fit comfortably. He didn’t seem to care.
“Watch carefully, dear.” Winter put her hand on my thigh. “You’ll be doing this for me as often as he does. His property ismyproperty. Isn’t that right, boy?”
“Yes, Mistress.” Connor started kissing his way up Winter’s thigh.
I didn’t say anything. I didn’t even know what to say if there were words that could express how I felt. Connor stripped Winter’s panties off and kissed his way to her slit. She leaned against me and closed her eyes. I didn’t want to be near her, especially while he was pleasuring her, but it didn’t seem that I had a choice.
I had a front row seat to the most disgusting show on Earth.
“You know how I like it…” Winter moaned. “Make Mommy come.”
I tried to look away, but every time I diverted my gaze, Winter dug her nails into my thigh until I looked back. I had no idea how she could even tell if I was watching with her eyes closed, but she just seemed to know. Connor locked his eyes on me as he tongue flicked against Winter’s clit. I didn’t even want to know what he was thinking. He was going to hurt me. He was going to use me for his pleasure. I was doomed to it unless I found a way to escape.
My eyes stayed on Connor and Winter, but my mind traveled elsewhere. I thought of Devlin, and what he was going through since I vanished. He had to be losing his mind if he was putting up so much money to get me back. Maybe he loved me - the devil, wrapped around my finger instead of bending me around his.
I needed to be in his arms. They were the ones that were safe, but I was too foolish to realize it.
“Move your tongue faster, stop looking at your treat.” Winter opened her eyes and slapped the side of Connor’s head. “You can play with her later. Don’t forget what I’m giving up so you can have this Cabot whore.”
“Sorry, Mistress.” Connor paused for a moment as he spoke and then immediately returned to licking Winter’s wretched cunt.
My body had endured plenty of torment, but my mental torment continued as Winter made Connor pleasure her. The revolt inside my stomach bounced along with the car. Cabot Vineyard faded away and the long road that separated it from civilization was smooth enough for me to hear Winter’s moans over the sound of the tires.
“That’s right, you’re about to make Mommy come like the good boy you are.” Winter exhaled sharply and her moans got louder.
I closed my eyes to drown out the sight of Winter’s climax, even though I couldn’t stop the sound of it. Her moans disgusted me. I finally opened my eyes when the last gasp disappeared in the air. She was slumped against the seat and Connor was putting her panties back on.
His eyes were still locked on me.
I looked around and tried to memorize my terrain when I saw Sloane Manor on the horizon. If I got a chance to escape, I needed to know what I was dealing with. What I saw didn’t inspire me with much hope. Sloane Manor was isolated from the rest of the houses we passed and there was a high iron fence around the perimeter. It didn’t look like something I could climb. She had guys standing at the front gate and they approached the car to verify if it was her before opening them.
The car was parked and a woman walked outside with a blanket. I thought it was for me, but Winter was the one she wrapped it around. Winter motioned for the woman to bring me, and I was led naked through Sloane Manor--once again, everyone there acted like it wasn’t that surprising to have a beaten and battered woman led past them. I obviously wasn’t the first.
“Connor, why don’t you be a good boy and go make sure the contract is ready. I’m going to have a talk with your new toy.” Winter motioned to him.
“Yes, Mistress.” He nodded and scurried off in the opposite direction.
The woman led me upstairs to a bedroom and left as soon as Winter entered. A large door slammed shut and it was just the two of us.
I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
“Why don’t you sit on Mommy’s knee so we can chat.” Winter walked to a very large chair and sat down.
“Excuse me?” I blinked in confusion.
“Don’t make this difficult, Violet.” She patted her knee. “I’ll even let you have this blanket once we’re done.”
“Fine.” I sighed and walked over, feeling quite foolish as I sat on the smaller woman’s knee.
“Tonight, after you sign the contract, you will accompany us to the playroom.” She put one hand on my leg and the other one on my head while she spoke, like she was trying to cradle me. “I really want to know what my son is willing to pay so much money for.”
“I thought you hated the Cabots.” I tensed up in her arms, but didn’t try to pull away because I wanted to see just how much she would reveal. “Now you want toplaywith one?”