Page 1 of Devil's Sinner
I’d heard the rumors surrounding Georgia Cabot’s fiancé, of course. Anyone in my circle had heard of Connor and his nasty advances against anyone with a pussy. The guy was a prick. Nursing his Mommy issues under false pretenses of being a dominant man was the lowest of the low. Before I even met him, I hated him.
But I knew I couldn’t avoid him forever. Soon enough, we’d run into each other. The rich men in the city frequented a lot of the same places, so it wasn’t a surprise to see Connor Peterson in one of the gentlemen clubs with very exclusive selection.
Though I was surprised how his slimy ass managed to weasel his way in, I was also intrigued about Peterson. If he managed to charm the skirt off Violet’s older prissy sister, he was bound to be at least a little special.
I sat in a booth with my friends, closely watching Connor as he sauntered into the club. Given his posse, it soon became clear he was there on his bachelor party. And he held nothing back. Stuffing hundred dollar bills into girls’ cleavages, getting lap dances and spraying champagne all over himself… He was like a pathetic child, and I despised him from the moment I laid eyes on him.
I had my arm around a pretty redhead my father had set me up with. While Willa was gorgeous, she didn’t mean anything but an appropriate piece of arm candy for the night. Maybe we’d fuck or maybe we wouldn’t. It would feel good to fuck someone I could write off the next day, yet my mind was elsewhere.
With Connor’s annoying presence in the club, my mind kept wandering to Violet Cabot.
What did she think of her sister’s new guy? When I wondered whether he’d acted inappropriately toward Violet, my hands formed fists in my lap. I hated the thought, having proven often enough I’d do anything in my power to keep Violet away from other men. But Connor was Georgia’s husband-to-be. I couldn’t invent a fucking reason to keep them apart.
“You got a light, sonny boy?”
I looked up to find my father standing next to me. Of course he was there too. One more thing to spoil my evening.
“You can’t smoke in here,” I growled at him, pulling out my lighter anyway and lighting his cigar.
“You can if you pay the right people,” he smirked. “Hi, Willa. Good to see you’re still listening to my advice, sonny boy.”
“Hello, Mr. Windsor,” my date purred. She was all over him in a second, clinking glasses and flashing her dazzling smile at my father. I wasn’t surprised. He knew how to work his magic on these girls, twirling them right around his finger. In moments, she was eating right out of his palm, and Dad was loving it.
“Why don’t the two of you get my room,” I muttered, handing my father my key card for a hotel. “I’m spring cleaning anyway. Can’t be bringing more trash in my life.”
Willa looked crestfallen but my father just laughed. He ignored the blabbering redhead and turned his attention back to me. For now, I was a bigger challenge than the socialite, and I knew he liked that.
“Why are you staring at Connor Whatever-the-fuck like you want to slit his throat?” he mused, a hint of genuine interest in his voice. “Don’t tell me this is about the Cabot girl. Not again.”
Unfortunately for me, my father could always see when I was lying, so I didn’t even try to hide it.
“That smarmy bastard is going to fuck up their family. I don’t want Violet involved with a letch like him.”
“Far as I know, he’s marrying her sister, not your little inappropriate crush,” Dad smirked.
“I don’t want him around her. Look at the prick, he’ll fuck any girl with a working set of holes.”
All three of us shifted our attention to Connor. He was doing lines of coke right at the table and nobody was stopping him. His party had dissolved into the corners of the room, each with a girl on their lap. But their friend hadn’t been as lucky, and as he looked up, I saw his dilated pupils take in my date. His charms hadn’t worked on any of the other girls in here, so she was his last chance.
“Here we fucking go,” I hissed as he clumsily picked himself up and started making his way to our table. He looked out of it, bumping into chairs and waiters like the drunken, drugged up idiot he was. My dislike for him intensified, fists heavy by my sides as he managed to reach us.
He was completely oblivious to my father and me, all his attention focused on gorgeous Willa whom I held no interest in anymore. He could have her for all I cared. He sure as fuck wasn’t getting near Violet, though.
“Hello gorgeous,” he slurred at Willa while leaning on our table. My date batted her lashes at him while I barely held my anger back. Dad looked pissed off too, and I knew he could tell I wouldn’t last long before I punished the prick with a blow to his slimy face.
“How much?” Connor continued, staring straight down Willa’s top. “A lapdance, or maybe more, if you’d like to make some quick money…”
“She’s with me,” my father said, placing a proprietorial arm around my date’s shoulders. “What would you rather, pretty girl? Get used by me or make a couple of hundred at this joker’s expense?”
“How about both?” Connor piped up uselessly. “I don’t need long, baby. Just a couple of strokes…”
Willa scoffed with displeasure and snuggled up closer to my father. “No, thank you.”