Page 39 of Saving His Sunshine
“Will you tell me?” I ask.
Another pause, longer this time. He doesn’t want to tell me.
Just when I think he isn’t going to, he mutters a curse. “Your landlord.”
"What?" I gasp, bolting upright in shock. "You think Don did it? Alessandro, that doesn't make any sense!"
He sits up, too, reaching out to cup my face. "Sunshine, listen to me,” he says, his tone gentle. “Five other businesses have failed in that building in the last three years. Dillon is looking into it, but we think there's something in the lease terms that makes it more lucrative for Don if his tenants’ businesses fail."
An icy fist clenches around my heart.
"T-there is," I rasp out.
"What do you mean?" Alessandro growls, his eyes narrowed on me.
"If I fail, I still have to pay out the rest of my lease.”
“How long is your lease term?”
“Five years."
"Jesus Christ." He grits his teeth, looking like he wants to punch something. Or someone.
"It’s a prime location," I mumble, dropping my gaze as I try to explain why I agreed. "He gave me a discount on rent, said the last tenant left him in a bad position. I never thought..." I swallow hard. "Before all of this happened, IknewI could make this bakery a success, Alessandro. I didn't have any problem signing the lease because I knew I wasn't going to fail. But then..."
"But then you started getting those fucking notes, and someone broke into your bakery," he growls. "Son of a bitch. The prick is running a rental scam. He leases out the building, has you guys sign on with these impossible terms, and then runs you off, forcing you to pay out a lump sum. Then, when the building is empty again, he brings in the next tenant, lathers, rinses, and repeats."
“Yeah.” I nod miserably. “I’m so stupid.”
"Sunshine. Look at me." Strong fingers tip my chin up until I meet his fierce gaze. "You are not stupid. Don't even think that way.”
“I feel stupid.”
He pulls me into his lap and cuddles me close as I sniffle against his chest. "He's a fucking asshole, but he’s not going to get away with it, Heidi,” he swears, iron in his tone. “I’m going to Dillon first thing in the morning, and we’re going to nail his ass to the wall for this."
I press my face into his neck, breathing in his comforting scent. "He came by the bakery this morning," I confess in a small voice.
“What the fuck did he want?"
"The rent check."
Every inch of Alessandro’s body goes rigid with anger. I can practically feel the protective instincts radiating off him. "That motherfucker," he seethes. "I don’t want him within one hundred yards of you.”
"I still have a business to run," I point out, but it sounds weak even to my own ears. If Don is really the one behind all of this, I don’t think I want him within one hundred yards of me, either.
Alessandro curves a hand around my jaw, tilting my head back until my eyes are locked on his. "And you'll keep running it," he says. “But you aren't going back there alone until I get a security system installed. I don't give a fuck if it violates his bullshit lease or not. I don't want him anywhere near you. Understood?"
When I start to argue, he cuts me off. "I mean it, Heidi. Your safety comes first. The bakery is important, but not more important than you. In fact, fucking nothing matters more than you. Okay?"
I want to argue further, but the fierce protection blazing in his eyes and the lines of stress carved around his mouth keep me silent. He’s really worried about this. And after everything he’s done for me, the last thing I want is to repay him by making him worry even more.
"Okay," I relent softly, reaching up to stroke his stubbled jaw. "I promise, Alessandro. No going to the bakery alone."
He exhales a tiny breath, pulling me closer, and I know I made the right decision.
Chapter Ten