Page 36 of Saving His Sunshine
I lift my head, staring at her with wide, watery eyes. "What?"
A smile curves my oldest sister's lips. "By the time we got here this morning to clean up, he was already here with half the fire department. They had most of the work already done. We just helped finish up."
"Yep." Gemma loops her arm through mine, her dimples flashing. "We directed while hot firefighters cleaned."
"Best morning ever," Charlie whispers dramatically.
Laughter bubbles up from deep in my chest, escaping in half-sobs, half-giggles. I wipe at my eyes and look around, taking it all in. My heart flutters wildly. "I can't believe he did all this."
"I can." Leia's voice is soft but firm. "He loves you, Heidi."
I bite my lip and nod, my cheeks heating. "I know,” I whisper. “I..." The words catch in my throat. I haven’t ever said them out loud before. "I love him too."
"Well, duh!" Gemma laughs, smiling brightly. "Of course you do. It’s written all over your face. And no offense, but you're not very good at keeping secrets."
"You're kind of terrible at it," Charlie agrees.
I stick my tongue out at my younger sisters, but I’m not even mad at their teasing.
"Have you told him yet?" Adalynn asks me.
I shake my head, swallowing hard. "I told him about our parents. Last night before..." I gesture at the bakery. "Before this. We talked about it."
"Good." Leia hugs me tight. "It's about time you opened up to someone other than us. Maybe now you can start healing, too."
I look at her, not sure what she means by that, which prompts her to shrug. "The rest of us have already started, but not you, not really. You've always buried yourself in your dreams and ignored everything else. I guess we figured you'd face it when you were ready, but you were never really ready."
"I've always been terrified no one would want me," I admit quietly, a lump lodging in my throat. "If our own parents didn't want us..."
Leia sighs, resting her head against mine. "Our parents were messed up, but that's their issue, not yours or ours, Heidi. There's nothing wrong with us."
"It took me a long time to figure that out, too," Adalynn admits quietly. "Razor helped."
"Bronx, too," Gemma chimes in.
"And Xavier." Charlie grins.
"And Colter," Leia adds.
We fall quiet for a moment, all lost in our thoughts. It’s...kind of beautiful to know that the five little girls our parents abandoned in a rundown apartment didn’t just survive but have each thrived in their own way. It may have taken me a little longer than my sisters, but I feel like I’m finally getting there, too. What we went through didn’t break us. We survived. And maybe we’re stronger because of it.
Gemma giggles suddenly. "We're really all grown up now, aren't we?"
"Speak for yourself." A devilish smile stretches across Charlie’s face. "I'm never growing up."
"Believe me, we know," Leia says, rolling her eyes as the bell over the front door jingles. I turn that way, hoping to see Alessandro walking in. Instead, I find Don striding inside.
Crap. He must know about the break-in.
Breaking away from my sisters, I hurry over to meet him, anxiety churning through me. I fight to keep my nerves from showing but can’t help but wring my hands together as I greet him. “Hi, Don.”
"Heidi." His tone is clipped, his dark eyes flicking around the bakery. "Heard there was a break-in last night."
"Um, yes. But we're cleaning it all up," I promise quickly.Please don’t kick me out. Please.I’m not entirely sure he can do that since I signed a lease, but I’d really rather not risk it.
"Good." He stares at me intently, not saying anything else.
I clear my throat as the silence grows awkward. "Did...did you need something?"