Page 13 of Saving His Sunshine
"Yes." I take another bite, savoring the taste.
"Good, because I can't cook for shit." He leans in conspiratorially. "I called in a favor and had Dacen at the department make them. An apology for yesterday." His expression sobers. "How's the cat doing?"
"Skeet's fine," I assure him, touched by his concern. And then I frown, glancing around. "Where's Rivin?"
His clenches his jaw. "Suspended. Chief decided he needed a time-out for not listening."
Guilt twists through me. "Oh, Alessandro. I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to get him in trouble!"
“Believe me, Sunshine, you didn’t get him into trouble. He did that all by himself.” He shrugs, a mischievous glint in his eye."But if you want to make me feel better about it, you can do it by agreeing to go out with me.”
My heart stutters. A big part of me wants to say yes, but the other part is frozen in fear. Instead of saying anything, I just stare at him like a freaking deer caught in the headlights. “I…I…I…”
Great. I sound like a record skipping in the same groove.
"Fuck it." His growl sends heat rushing through me. In one swift move, he wraps his hands around my waist, yanking me into his arms. His lips crash against mine in a searing kiss.
I melt into him with a whimper, my hands fisting in his shirt as his tongue sweeps into my mouth. He tastes like cinnamon and salvation, a heady combination that leaves me breathless and not thinking clearly. At least, that’s the excuse I give myself when I practically climb his body, trying to get closer to his mouth.
He plants his hands on my ass, boosting me up. Somehow, I end up plastered against the wall, pinned between it and his hard body.
“Wet paint,” I gasp.
“I’ll repaint the entire fucking bakery for you,” he growls, bucking his hips into me as he kisses a hot trail down my throat. “Christ, I’ll give you whatever you want if you keep grinding on my cock like that, angel. You feel fucking perfect.”
“I know!” I cry, my nails embedded in his back as I rock against him, chasing some high that’s far beyond anything I’ve ever felt before.
His dark chuckle sends flows of lava directly into my veins. And then I feel his stubble abrading the sensitive skin of my throat. I rock faster, moaning so loud I’m sure the business next door probably hears me.
Oh my God.They probably see us through the windows.
“The windows,” I manage to gasp.
“Don’t fucking care who sees me kissing you,” he snarls, one big hand closing around my breast. “You feel too fucking good.”
I sob his name, my head thumping against the wall as another flow of lava pours through my veins. This is...good grief. Is this what my sisters are always talking about? Is this the magic? It certainly feels like magic.
He pinches my nipple hard, and I see stars. I hear alarm bells.
“Motherfucker!” he swears violently.
Nope. I’m definitely not hearing alarm bells. Those are real.
“What the heck is that?”
Alessandro pulls back with another curse, breathing hard. “My pager is going off, angel. We gotta stop.”
I whimper like a pitiful, eager little mess.
“I know, baby,” he croons, tipping my head back to kiss me softly. “I know. But there’s a call. I gotta go.”
Right. Play with fire, get burned. Stupid motto. Stupid vagina. Stupid hot body pressed against mine, burning me all up.
He touches his forehead to mine, his breathing ragged. “Go out with me, Heidi. Give us a chance.”
“Please, Sunshine. One date.”