Page 24 of Forbidden Passion
Ciara wrapped the other woman in an embrace, laughing at Astra’s outrageous greeting. “I’ve been a bit busy lately!” she countered, laughing and tightening her arms around her friend.
Pulling back, the women looked at each other. “Darn it, Ilovethat dress!” Astra hissed. “And you know it would look better on me!”
Ciara rolled her eyes. “Sorry, but I saw it first. And since you were too tipsy from those martinis at lunch, I was able to snag it from Dior.”
Astra sighed, nodding her agreement. “You’re right.” Then her grin shifted. “But they were excellent martinis, weren’t they?”
Ciara burst out laughing. “Woman, have you ever had a bad martini?”
Astra nodded. “Yep. One time, I ordered a martini in…” she paused, snapping her fingers as she tried to remember. Then shook her head and waved her fingers. “I can’t remember.It was some island in the Caribbean. But the bartender misunderstood what I was asking for and gave me a martini glass filled with the brine of the olive jar with a bit of lemon juice. It was disgusting!” she replied, wrinkling her nose.
“You’re right, that sounds awful!”
Astra laughed, and then turned to Maggie. “I’m so sorry!” she said, extending her hand to Maggie. “You must be Maggie, my hostess, and here I am, rambling on about nonsense when you must be terrified.”
Nervously, Maggie extended her hand. “Yes, I’m Maggie Meyers. And you’re Astra Phillips! Goodness, I can’t believe I’m actually meeting the legend.”
Astra gave a bark of laughter, then turned to Ciara. “See? I’m a legend!” She eyed the pink dress speculatively. “That means you should give me that dress.”
Ciara rolled her eyes. “Not gonna happen!” She nodded her head towards Maggie. “And your client is petrified with worry about being at a fancy shindig.”
Astra’s eyes widened. “Seriously?” she whispered, leaning forward. “But I saw you on the news yesterday! You looked amazing!”
Maggie sighed. “I was terrified!” she said, referring to the big celebration in the capital. There had been a massive party in the streets. She and Ramit had gone out onto one of the balconies and waved to the crowd.
Astra smiled. “You are a natural then. Because everyone in the news is thinking that you’re perfect for the big brute.”
“I believe that I was just insulted,” a deep voice commented from the hallway.
All three women turned to watch as four men stood staring at them, amusement lurking on their handsome features.
“Ramit!” Maggie gasped and rushed towards him. The man immediately opened his arms, pulling his wife close.
Astra fisted her hands on her hips and glared at her dark haired, dark eyed beast of a husband. “You’re interrupting a very important meeting. Go away.”
Antonio chuckled and, instead of going away, he moved towards his wife. She backed up a few steps, but he was faster. “You were talking about stealing a friend’s clothes,” he argued. “That doesn’t sound like a very important conversation. Plus, what’s this about martini lunches in Paris? You told me that you’d been very industrious during that visit.”
Astra laughed, draping her arms around the neck of the Marquesso. “I was. I very diligently drank three martinis before going out and spending all of your money.”
He laughed, then kissed her before turning, keeping her firmly against his side. “She refuses to spend my money.”
Ciara laughed, then turned and…Falk’s intense gaze caused her breath to catch in her throat. The others started speaking, but she didn’t hear their words. Vaguely, she was aware of her brother taking Maggie out into the hallway, but she was completely focused on Falk.
He didn’t approach her. He stood several feet away in the doorway and…just stared. Was he trying to tell her something? If so, she didn’t understand the silent message.
Chapter 20
Falk watched Ciara, noting that she didn’t appear to hear her friend’s question. Nor did he, but that was beside the point. He’d gotten to her. Last night had been…spectacular. After making love to his woman, thoroughly showing her that they were meant to be together, she’d cuddled up against him and fallen into a deep sleep.
She was his woman, even if she wasn’t able to admit it to herself just yet.
“Goodness, is this another party?” a shrill voice called out.
Myala and her father appeared in the doorway. She toddled up to Falk and he desperately tried to hide his groan.
The woman was relentless! Myala ignored Falk’s glare as she sidled up to him, looping her arm through his own and smiling brightly up at him. “What’s on the agenda for today? Are we going to do something fun?” She glanced at the others and Falk watched with amazement as her eyes widened when she took in the presence of Astra Phillips.
“Ms. Phillips! Are you here to work your magic for Maggie’s next big event? Oh my, that’s going to be such a wonderful spectacle!”