Page 21 of Forbidden Passion
Should she transfer her interest to Sheik Zayed? He didn’t appear to be interested in any particular woman.
But even as she watched, Myala noticed Zayed’s eyes repeatedly straying towards the doorway. Was there someone waiting for him? Perhaps in his bed?
With a sigh, she turned away. Sheik Zayed was probably just as wealthy as his friends, but Myala had set her sights on Sheik Falk. There was just something about a big, brutish man that appealed to her. Sheik Zayed seemed too…straight-laced, perhaps? Or maybe it was just that he wasn’t as obvious as the other two men.
No, she’d set a goal for herself. Already, she’d failed at trying to attract the attentions of Sheik Ramit. Now thatshe’d set herself the goal of marrying Sheik Falk, there was no stopping her.
Even if she had to resort to…underhanded…tricks to make that happen. Myala had been so sure that, if she could just find some time alone with Falk, then he would realize that they were perfect for one another.
Boy, had that plan backfired!
Sighing, she smiled up at her father. “You look a bit off, Daddy,” she observed, tilting her head to examine his face carefully. “Did you not have a good time tonight? I thought you were going to speak with the Air Force Minister to make some suggestions to the new training regimen.”
General Isif patted his daughter’s hand. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head about such things, my dear. You have bigger issues to handle.” He led her towards the exit, but had to slow down since many others were heading home now that the hour was so late. “Did you talk to any interesting men?”
Myala thought about her short, abrupt conversation with Sheik Falk in that small, dismal room. “Yes, of course,” she lied.
“I’m sure you charmed the man senseless, my dear.”
Myala thought about her activities from the night. It had been exciting, but perhaps not in the way her father assumed.
Still, she shivered at the memory of the previous hour. Yes, it had been well worth her while attending tonight, although she seriously doubted that her father would approve of her naughty activities.
Chapter 17
Ciara paused in the doorway of the breakfast room, quickly scanning the space. Her brother and Zayed were there, sitting at the table and discussing Ramit’s horses. Obviously, the two men had been out for a ride already. They looked sweaty and dusty as they sipped their coffee, but there was a good deal of color in their cheeks, attesting to a fast run through the chilly, morning air.
“Good morning, gentlemen,” she called out, trying to sound happy and lively even though she felt…oddly sad. Waking up alone after such an extraordinary night left her grumpy. She had hoped to find Falk here in the breakfast room and had been fully prepared to tear into him for leaving her without a word. At least she’d had the decency to tell him good morning before she’d left him two weeks ago.
He could have given her the same courtesy.
She walked over to the breakfast bureau and poured herself a cup of black coffee, hoping that the brew would add some much needed zing to her steps.
“What’s on the agenda for today?” she asked, sitting down. “And where is my lovely sister-in-law and adorable niece?”
Ciara wanted to punch her brother for the self-satisfied grin that appeared on his face. “She’s still in bed and Nadia is with her nanny,” he replied, taking a sip of his coffee. “And I’m not sure what’s on the agenda for today. I think that Antonio del Campo and his wife Astra arrive this morning. I’m scheming with Astra about organizing a birthday party for Maggie. Astra said she will tell me about her ideas once she arrives.”
Ciara nodded. “I like Astra. She’s good. Very good. I’ve been to several of her events and they are always spectacular.”
Zayed sighed. “I tried to hire her to come to Pitra so that she could work her magic on some of the villages in my country. But she said something about not wanting to be away from her husband for that long, or some such nonsense.”
A noise behind her caused everyone to turn. Ciara noticed a slender, brown-haired woman standing in the doorway. She looked…hurt? The woman’s features were lovely, if subdued. Her brown hair seemed to sparkle under the overhead chandelier, but the woman had pulled all of those lustrous locks into a sedate chignon at the back of her neck. And she wore minimal makeup and no lipstick, which caused her to appear…not bland. The woman was truly too lovely to appear bland. But Ciara wondered why she was trying to be non-descript when she was obviously a vibrant woman.
Or maybe she was vibrant at other times. At the moment, she looked…vanquished. What an odd word, but Ciara thought it was appropriate. But before she could interpret the woman’s expression more thoroughly, the stranger looked down at the file in her arms.
“I apologize for interrupting, Your Highness,” the woman said in a very stern voice, addressing Zayed in particular. “However, the call that you’ve been waiting for has come through. Would you like me to reschedule that conversation for later in the day?”
Everyone turned to watch Zayed and Ciara noticed the man’s heightened interest. Yes, there was definitely something happening between her friend and his lovely, yet strangely understated assistant.
Zayed quickly stood up, drained his coffee and set the cup down. “No, thank you, Tara. I’ll come immediately.” He nodded to Ciara, then to Ramit. “We’ll discuss the issue later,” he told Ramit, then hurried from the room.
Which left Ramit and Ciara alone in the dining room. She sipped her coffee, still wondering where Falk was. Why had he left her so early this morning?
“You didn’t sleep well, last night.”
Ciara looked up, staring into her brother’s concerned gaze. “I’m fine,” she lied.
“Are you going to tell me about your adventure last night?”