Page 11 of Forbidden Passion
“Falk,” she whispered, suddenly nervous.
“Relax Ciara,” he urged, his member probing her entrance. She lifted her hips, wrapping her legs around his waist again, giving him better access.
She absorbed his groan into her mouth as she kissed him, wanting to pull her hands away, to touch him and feel him, maybe even to guide him. But he wouldn’t let her hands go, keeping them pinned over her head as he slowly penetrated her, pressing into her heat one slow inch at a time before pulling out again and starting the process over again.
The sensation of feeling Falk fill her like this was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. It felt…unfamiliar and yet, good. More than good, it felt… right.
“More,” she whispered.
Chapter 8
Falk looked down at Ciara, startled by how much he wanted to fill her completely. He’d always maintained control during sexual liaisons before. But he couldn’t think straight right now. Everything was completely centered on the connection of their bodies.
He slowly pulled out, then thrust into her again. And because that felt so good, he did it again. And again! A part of him was conscious of the moans of pleasure coming from her, but his eyes kept returning to the place where they were connected. She was so damn beautiful, everywhere!
He kept a strong grip on her hands, but as she tightened her legs around his waist, she took him deeper into her body and…and he lost it. Her hands slipped away from his weakened grip to caress his chest and Falk couldn’t control the depth of his thrusts. Thankfully, Ciara didn’t seem to mind. Every time he thrust into her, she moaned and wiggled, deepening his pleasure. It was too much and not enough. Then she bit her lip, closing her eyes as she accepted all of him into her body. Thrusting faster, he moved his thumb to that nub, wanting to take her with him when his pleasure reached its peak.
When he heard her cry out, felt her hand cover his thumb, pressing against him, he released himself into her, thrusting faster and faster. His hand moved out of the way as he leaned forward, moving faster until…! “Yes!” he hissed, pulling her in as he thrust several more times, extending the climax for them both until there was nothing left.
Finally, completely drained, he collapsed on top of her, then rolled onto his side, wrapping his arms around her as he worked to slow his breath.
Ciara. The woman he’d dreamed about for so long was finally in his arms. Now…now he could claim her for his own.
Chapter 9
Ciara rolled over, a smile already on her lips as she stretched sore muscles. Two days in Falk’s arms. They’d barely left the bed all weekend. She felt as if she’d been completely ravished.
“The success of a man’s role,” a deep voice murmured into her ear. “A woman waking up with a smile.”
She laughed and opened her eyes, beaming up into Falk’s dark gaze. “Good morning.” She covered her mouth with her fingers. “Sorry, I probably have morning breath.”
Ignoring his laughter, Ciara pushed the covers off and hurried into the bathroom. “I’m just going to take a shower, okay?”
He came in while she was loading her toothbrush with toothpaste. He was gloriously naked and Ciara couldn’t help but watch with admiration as he stepped up to the other sink, doing the same.
When she stepped into the shower moments later, he followed, even swatting her bottom. “Hurry up woman, before the other hotel guests use up all the hot water.”
She smiled and closed her eyes, tilting her head back as she stepped under the warm spray. She didn’t feel as if she were hogging the water since there were two overhead shower spouts as well as steam spigots that kept one warm while showering. “Is that even a possibility?”
He stepped under the other spray and shook his head. “Not a chance. I don’t allow my guests to suffer needlessly.”
“It feels decadent to use this much water, but I love it.”
His arm wrapped around her waist and he pulled her against his chest. “And I love the way you look when you’re all wet and slick.”
Ciara groaned, closing her eyes as those now-familiar feelings started to amp up. “No!” she told him firmly, reluctantly pressing her hands against his chest. “No more! You’ve sexed me up all weekend and now I’m walking funny.”
He only chuckled and reached for the soap. Ciara watched, regretting that she truly was very sore. Falk was a magnificent lover, but he was also highly demanding. Plus, she wasn’t sure if her body could take another round of orgasms. Her mind would need a few more days to recover.
They chatted about general things, like what they wanted for breakfast, while they both finished their shower. Ciara was just wrapping a towel around herself when he said something that obliterated her good mood.
“You’ll have to break off your betrothal to Zayed.”
She froze. Memories of her nanny pinching her when she followed orders too slowly popped into her head. Valiantly, she tried to tamp down on the rising fury. But it was pointless.
Turning, she slipped into panties and a bra, stalling for time. She’d just pulled on a knit wrap dress when he came out of the dressing room. “I’ll call your brother and set a date.”
Another command? This one was a bit more ambiguous. “Why would you call my brother?” she asked, trying to suppress her childhood coping mechanism. “Is there something you need to speak with him about?”