Page 57 of Axel
“I want a chance to get to know you.”
“Why?” She knew she sounded like a damn fool but did not know what else to say.
His hand lifted to cup her cheek, his thumb caressing the soft skin he had dreamed so much about. “Because I cannot get you out of my head.”
“That’s not good enough.” She was trying to tell herself she should run with just that, but he had hurt her so much that she was not willing to compromise. “You ran out and left without saying goodbye. I cannot take the chance of that happening again.”
He stared at her so long, she held her breath and wondered if he was going to run out again.
“Fair enough.” He finally said. “I…, I am not very good at this. My last relationship went to hell, and I have trust issues.”
He merely lifted his brows at her teasing note.
“Yes really.” He tilted her chin up, golden eyes smoldering as he stared at her lips. “My mother and sister both think I am a moron, and I would be a fool to let you go.”
“So, I have them to thank for your change of heart?”
“No.” He shook his head. “Not entirely. They told me you were leaving, and it was as if something loosened inside me.” His fingers tightened. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“I don’t want to lose you too.” She finally moved into his arms. “What now?”
“I take you into the bedroom and remove the sweater.”
“And then?”
“And then, we go from there.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Sweeping her into his arms, he strode towards the bedroom.
“You have not said if you were staying.” They were both breathless after the very torrid lovemaking which had stared well before he removed his clothing. Now they were completely naked and lying on the bed.
“I am not entirely convinced I should stay.” Her body was still hot, her blood sizzling. He had not told her he was in love with her, had only asked her to stay and she was afraid that she would wake up one morning to find him gone.
“How about this?” Leaning over, he covered her lips with his, the kiss sending her heart rate skyrocketing. Her hands came up and around his neck as she deepened the kiss.
“Well!” She whispered shakily when he ended the kiss. Touching his hair roughened jaw, she let her touch lingered.
“I am not big on being romantic.”
“And like I said, I have trust issues.”
“I get that.”
He brushed the hair off her forehead. “I am busy most of the time.”
“I am in love with you.”
He started at that.
“Yes Axel. I fell in love with you while I was in the middle of interviewing you. It was not professional, but it did not stop me from falling. I want marriage and children, perhaps two or four, but I would settle for two.
A boy and a girl. I am willing to take it slow so that we get to know each other. But I already know that I want you. My mother is not a very good example of what a good relationship should be, and my best friend’s marriage is down the toilet. But I am not going to use that to measure our future.”