Page 54 of Axel
Jackie had all but accused her of trying to trap Axel. But she was not sure that was not the case.
It had not been something she had willfully thought of doing, but in the back of her mind, she had hoped for a child from their union. It was stupid and unproductive; Jackie was living proof that it didn’t pay to get pregnant just so one could have the man. A baby tends to make things worse in most cases.
Besides, it was a moot point. Her periods had come two days ago, so she had nothing to worry about. It was for the best. She would go on about her business and spend the time trying to forget him. She had already spoken to her dad about leaving and he had encouraged her to do so.
“I am going to miss you like crazy honey, but it’s your life and if you need to take some time, then by all means, do so.”
Her mother was barely speaking to her and as far as she knew, Eleanor had was no longer seeing the man she had been involved with. Which was a good thing, Ellie thought. She was hoping her mother would come to her senses and realize that she did not need a man to be fulfilled.
That was so funny coming from her, she thought wretchedly. She needed Axel. At nights, she would reach for him and cry herself to sleep when she realized he was not there.
Leaning her head back, she closed her eyes and brought up the image of him on top of her. It was pure torture to relive the memories, but somehow, they seem to bring her comfort.
“We might not have to remove the breasts.” Dr. Braithwaite had been with them for two days now and had brought his entire plethora of equipment. He had also brought his own nurse and the two had been given a suite of rooms at the manor.
“There might be an alternative. Treatments to minimize the growth of the cancer cells and in some cases kill them.” He glanced at the man standing in the corner of the room, before looking at his patient.
“Your results are positive my dear and we are going to put you on a series of treatment right away. For the first day, you are going to feel nauseous and listless, but I can assure you that afterwards, your body will adapt, and you will be able to be up and about as before.”
“Will I be able to do my gardening?”
“I have seen your lovely plants and would think it’s criminal if you were not able to nurture them. Yes,” he nodded. “You will certainly be able to go back to doing your daily activities. Now.” He continued briskly, slapping his hands together. “Shall we get started?”
“Give it to me straight.” Axel cornered the doctor as soon as he left the room, with the nurse attending to his mother. “Drink?” He led him into a lovely parlor with windows overlooking the vegetable garden and dense foliage leading towards the wooded area.
“Whiskey, please.”
Axel poured them both a glass and handed it to him. “We are not in mother’s room right now, so I want the unvarnished truth.Wouldn’t she better off in a hospital with a full complement of capable staff?”
“She is doing very well and reacting positively to the treatments. You know I would recommend going in if it was at all necessary.” The man swirled the liquid in the glass and took an appreciative swig.
“You have been very generous in your donations to the project, and I am forever in your debt. I would never lie to you about something as important as your mother’s health.”
Axel stared at him for a few seconds as if trying to assess the validity of his comment, before nodding. “She is my mother.” He said simply.
“And the entire world knows how you feel about your family. “The doctor smiled as he walked over to the window to take in the spectacular view. “It’s commendable.
My own mother was a calculating bitch who never gave a hoot about my brother and me. We were passed on to various nannies while she flaunted her sexuality and try to collect as many lovers as she could.”
He shook his head to dismiss the distressing memories. Turning to look at Axel, he smiled. “Your mother is the loveliest woman I ever have the good fortune to meet. And her contribution to this place is phenomenal. I take it as my personal duty to make certain she will get better. You can take my word for it.”
“She is sleeping and looks so much better.” Cathy handed him the glass of wine. “The treatment seems to be working.” Plopping down on one of the sofas in her sitting room, she toed off her shoes and leaned her head back wearily.
It had been an exhausting week, and she had taken a few days from work to be here with her mother and brother. She was eternally grateful that Axel had not left the house at all.
He had set up office in one of the rooms so that he could be near if needed.
“You look like you could use some sleep,” she murmured.
“I am about to pop into the bedroom and take a nap,” he said with a smile.
“You also look sad and miserable and it’s not about mom.”