Page 98 of The Frog Prince
“They haven’t asked me out.”
“Why don’t you ask them?”
“Nah. Don’t need the hassle.”
“Holly, there are girls in this world, and there are guys.”
“I know, but guys are seriously overrated.”
Katie is still giving me a sharp look. “You’re not… going to start liking girls now, are you?”
“Be a lesbian, you mean?”
“ThisisSan Francisco.”
I just crack up. “You wouldn’t want to have sex with me?”
“Why not? I’m cute, I’m smart, I’m funny—”
“Yeah, and you have breasts.”
“Thank you.”
Katie just rolls her eyes. “And hips and a big butt…”
I frown at her. “Now, that’s kind of harsh.”
“Perhaps. But you have girl parts,” she concludes, waving her fork around, “and girl parts don’t do it for me.”
“So that’s why we have men.”
Katie grins, leans forward on the table. “What else did you think they were for?”
“I don’t know.”
“They were never meant to be nurturers, Hol. They’re cavemen. They live for food, sleep, and sex, not necessarily in that order. But face it, men are driven to procreate. That’s what they do.”
“And what do we do?” I ask, knowing I’ve gone years without sex, years without love.
Katie pops a grape from her little fruit plate into her mouth. “That’s a very good question. That’s the part I haven’t figured out. What do we do?”
I don’t know, and as I leave brunch to walk back to my’ apartment, I still haven’t a clue.
We’re raised on fairy tales and baby dolls, Barbie dolls andModem Bride. We read Oprah books and cozy mysteries, romances,Cosmo, andPeoplemagazine. We watch soaps and dramas, romantic comedies and action thrillers with our guys. And what’s the one thing all these have in common?
We read, dream, watch, and fantasize aboutothers. Loving others. Giving to others. Helping others. And one day being loved by others.
But do we ever learn to love ourselves?
Do we ever get to the point where we’re fine on our own? Happy, without others?
I can only hope so.