Page 7 of The Mobster's Nurse
He doesn’t care. His hands are full of me, of my flesh, of my curves. They slide over my neck, down my back, cupping my ass before digging into my waist. He rips open the first three buttons in my uniform and I moan when I feel his mouth on the hollow of my throat. I turn into sweet liquid in his arms, cradling his head as he kisses me so softly that nothing has ever felt more right. More special. This is what Viper Roz does to me, he grabbed my world into a chokehold and now he’s in control of it. And he doesn’t make it feel dark or vicious. He makes it feel better.
There is something good in this man and I can feel it in his touch when he cups my neck. The anticipation for our kiss has been building up for so long that my arousal is unbearable. Our bodies are flushed against one another and I’m close to turning into a pile of liquid. This man owns me and I pump with my hips in the air automatically while rubbing my chest against his.
I thought I was going to regret following him that night but now I’m terrified of what would have happened if I hadn’t. Our paths never would have crossed and the thought makes me frantic and I plead, “I need this to never stop.”
“It never will. Try and get rid of me and I’ll maul this whole town to the ground.” He pulls away to look in my eyes and his eyes aren’t steel anymore; they’re ash and smoke, obscure from his chaotic emotions. “You know I have the power to. You know what I can do.”
“Yes,” I whimper, “I know you’re powerful but please don’t be destructive,” I urge and something fierce crosses his face and this time his kiss burns so hard it steals my heart and puts it on top of his. They beat together. For us. For this kiss. And I feel not entirely like myself and I’m panting so hard that it feels like I’m going to run out of oxygen when the kiss fades.
“I knew before but this settles it...” Viper says in a dazed voice. “No compromises, no objections, no fighting me, angel.”
“What are you talking about?” I moan and I can’t tear my eyes from his lips because they are the true weapon in his arsenal.
“About you and me.” He strokes my hair, petting me like he thinks I’ve been good. “Us.”
That sounds so delicate, so frail when he says it and I put my hand down on his chest, careful not to touch the bandages butthen I turn worried. “Your h...heart. I’m not comfortable with how hard it is beating.”
“I am. For the first time in my life, I no longer feel like a dead man walking.”
Tamsin lifts her head and her eyes are glassy. They flicker like diamonds as if they’re trying to reflect a treasure. But I’m no treasure, too rusty and tainted for that but that doesn’t mean I don’t like the way she looks at me. I still feel the taste of her in my mouth and our kiss increased my attraction to her even more until all I want is to get her out of here and into my manor. There are walls there, there’s no risk of anyone walking in and looking at what’s mine.
In my manor, she will be in her place. Her existence will orbit around me, mine will orbit around her. Once everything is settled it will be perfection. She glances at the wall, murmuring something to herself and she gives me a scolding glance,
“Look at the mess you made,” she says, bending down but I don’t like to see her cleaning and I tell her to leave it but she shakes her head. “I’m an employee you know. This is my job.”
And I don’t like the job she has. She can’t stay at this hospital, not when she’s surrounded by a high number of men daily. Why couldn’t there be a women’s hospital? If Tamsin had been the nurse to a bunch of ladies I wouldn’t have minded but I can’t risk anyone harboring dirty fantasies about her.
Only I can fantasize about her in that way and I let out an impatient growl.
“Stop moving around and let me look at you.”
Her eyes widen and she drops the tray on a table, clasping her hands behind her back. I can’t get enough of her. I love everything, her plain white sneakers, the white dress that’s supposed to be conservative but somehow manages to get my blood roasting. Her hair is glossy and thick, her eyes sensual and I can tell by the way she carries herself that her body is nothing but tits and ass, created to reduce a man to tears. I can’t wait to peel her little dress off her and take a good look at her slit. She will feel so good when I use her and I grind my jaw.
How could I have lived a life without her? It’s a mystery I lasted this long all on my own. She gives me so much meaningthat my life of crime doesn’t excite me anymore. It no longer gets me going to think about the work in the shadows. Now I think of my work as something pointless and my true purpose is to watch Tamsin capture the light and ask her to share it.
“You would share with me wouldn’t you?” I rasp and she raises her brows as if she has no idea what I’m talking about. “Your light?”
“I would share everything with you,” she whispers. “How could I not? After what you’ve done for me.”
So she feels indebted? It’s the last thing she should feel because she doesn’t owe me anything but I’m not going to argue. A part of me likes the idea of her feeling like she owes me.
When there’s a knock on the door, she jerks. “It’s probably the other nurses. I’ve been in here a long time, I have other patients...” She lunges for the door like the self-sacrificing girl she is but slams it shut just as quickly and looks at me with flaring eyes. “Viper, there’s a giant and scary man waiting outside.”
I breathe out. “Let him in. It’s my underboss.”
Dolph comes barging into the room and Tamsin cowers up against the wall and I understand what she’s feeling. Dolph isn’t exactly a beauty queen.
“Are you ready?” he asks and I nod. He moves to help me up when Tamsin interferes. Her brows curve and she has a bossy streak around her mouth that I haven’t seen before.
“Uh...what is it that you think you’re doing? Let go of him immediately.”
She doesn’t get a response from either of us and she turns red in the face. “Did you hear what I said? Let go of my patent or I’m calling security!” Tamsin runs for the door while Dolph moves to stop her and I hiss similar to a cobra,
“Do not fucking touch her.”